Urban strategies - competitions



Urban strategies - competitions

na okładce:


Malgorzata TOMCZAK

Urban strategies - competitions

Competitions are one of the hottest topics in our architectural world. And despite the fact that it is one of the best and most democratic ways to discuss quality in architecture, virtually every contest that is decided has its dissatisfied group, who more or less rightly complain about its results, shape, conditions, criteria for evaluating the works, etc. It is impossible to satisfy everyone, but we can probably agree that holding competitions is one of the best tools for shaping space and selecting the most interesting buildings.

Competitions also foster the development of innovation in architecture, providing the developer with the opportunity to look at many alternative solutions to the same problem, enabling him to make the right choice and select the best work that responds to the complex issues of the competition.

In this issue, we look at selected competitions and try to answer the question of what determines their success.

Table of contents


shortboard [16, 18].

latest news, events, parties

Reaching higher [20]

From the series titled "Meeting with the Master" - Szczepan Wroński from WXCA studio
interviewed: Marek KASZYŃSKI

Returning to the international forum [24]

Budapest UIA deliberations on architectural education

Dream of Warsaw [26]

Exhibition entitled. "Plans for the future"

Limits of creativity [32]

Exhibition titled. "Le Mobilier d'architectes, 1960-2020"

Tourist fatigue in the big city [38]

15th OWHC World Congress

In pursuit of happiness [44]

From the series entitled "Masters of Architecture" - Wolfram Putz of the Graft studio
interviewed: Justyna BODUCH

Temple of silence [50]

Competition "A&B Academy" 2019

newsboard [52, 54, 56]

reviews, patrons, invitations, company news

A story of architectural friendships - a drama in three acts [52].

Review of the book titled. "CIAM Archipelago. Letters of Helena Syrkus"
Katarzyna BARAÑSKA

  • Z cyklu pt. „Spotkanie z Mistrzem” — Szczepan Wroński z pracowni WXCA
  • Budapeszteńskie obrady UIA na temat edukacji architektonicznej
  • Wystawa pt. „Plany na przyszłość”
  • Wystawa pt. „Le Mobilier d’architectes, 1960–2020”
  • 15. Światowy Kongres OWHC
  • Z cyklu pt. „Mistrzowie Architektury” — Wolfram Putz z pracowni Graft

topic of the issue

Poznan makes stages (Musical Theater) [60].

Competition for the architectural concept of the headquarters of the Musical Theater in Poznan
Jakub GŁAZ

Poznan makes stages (Estrada Poznańska) [78]

Competition for developing an architectural concept for the reconstruction and modernization of Estrada Poznańska (Poznań Stage)
Jakub GŁAZ

Fullness of life [90]

International competition for the development of an urban and architectural concept for the Priority Revitalization Area of the City Center in Dąbrowa Górnicza, with particular emphasis on the area of the Full Life Factory, i.e. the former DEFUM machine tool factory

Such a project in such a place [108]

Music Center and City Park in Cracow - competition for the development of an urban-architectural concept

Museum in the villa of the first president [126]

Competition for modernization of Villa Narutowicz for the Museum of the History of the Polish People's Movement

Again in Krakow [146]

In the Imagination Room on Sienna Street in Krakow

  • Konkurs na opracowanie koncepcji architektonicznej siedziby Teatru Muzycznego w Poznaniu
  • Konkurs na opracowanie koncepcji architektonicznej na przebudowę i modernizację Estrady Poznańskiej
  • Międzynarodowy konkurs na opracowanie koncepcji urbanistyczno-architektonicznej Priorytetowego Obszaru Rewitalizacji Centrum w Dąbrowie Górniczej
  • Centrum Muzyki i Park Miejski w Krakowie — konkurs na opracowanie koncepcji urbanistyczno-architektonicznej
  • Konkurs na modernizację willi Narutowicza na potrzeby Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego
  • W Pokoiku Wyobraźni na Siennej w Krakowie

Preview of the electronic version of the issue