Architect's profession


© Miastopracownia

Architect's profession

na okładce:

© Miastopracownia

Malgorzata TOMCZAK

architect's profession

In 1991, Robert Venturi - Denise Scott Brown's professional and life partner - received the Pritzker Prize. His partner in life and work, co-author of this success, did not receive it until today. She was simply overlooked. Despite petitions, public debate about the role of women in architecture, research on the subject. Perhaps she is the shadow from under the Acropolis from the photo Adrian Krêzlik writes about?

There are many women in architecture. They make up the majority in architecture departments. However, they still face barriers in their professional lives. Why is this the case? What role do they play in the profession? What is their significance? We asked the most important Polish female architects about this, including Prof. Ewa Kurylowicz, Marta Sękulska-Wronska, Marlena Wolnik, Joanna Malecka, Monika Arczynska. We also ask architects a similar question, because we are interested in the environmental debate, not the feminist one. We are interested in how we perceive women in the architectural profession today. Well, exactly - a lady architect or an architect? We are discussing these feminativities - much disliked by some female architects, we should add - because cultural changes often begin with language changes. So how is the issue of gender equality in the design industry?

We invite you to read more!

Table of contents


Pritzker's pointing finger [10]

2020 Pritzker Prize for Grafton Architects duo

Barbara Brukalska - Polish star of the world avant-garde [14]

Why was the knowledge of architecture deliberately erased from architectural education?
interviewed by Ewa SZYMCZYK

Cities in times of crisis [20]

Interview with Maria Vassilakou (deputy mayor of Vienna 2010-2019)
interviewed by Edyta SKIBA

Welcome to the club [24]

Interview with Despina Stratigakos
interviewed by Agnieszka RASMUS-ZGORZELSKA

Men can also create architecture [28].

In a distorted mirror of reality

Molecules. An intergenerational village in Grabin [30]

A&B Academy 2020 competition
Tadeusz SZARANIEC, Aleksandra SLIWA, Demi TRAN

newsboard [32-42]

books, patronages, invitations, company news

A drop drills a rock [32].

Book review: "Where are the female architects?", "Pioneers" and "Architects".
Katarzyna BARAÑSKA

Can women practice architecture? [36]

Excerpted from Despina Stratigakos' book titled. "Where are the female architects?"

  • Nagroda Pritzkera 2020 dla duetu Grafton Architects
  • Dlaczego wiedza o architektce była świadomie wymazywana z edukacji architektonicznej?
  • Rozmowa z Marią Vassilakou (wiceburmistrzynią Wiednia w latach 2010–2019)
  • Rozmowa z Despiną Stratigakos
  • W krzywym zwierciadle rzeczywistości
  • Fragment książki Despiny Stratigakos pt. „Gdzie są architektki?”

issue theme

moodboard [46]

#architect's profession
#women in architecture
#role of women in the profession

Female architects will work the masses [88].

Monika Arczynska is interviewed by Katarzyna JAGODZIŃSKA

Fingers to lick [96]

With Dominika Wilczynska and Barbara Nawrocka, talks with Katarzyna BARAÑSKA

Change is a matter of time [108].

With Ewa Kuryłowicz talks to Alicja GZOWSKA

Character is more important than gender [116].

With Marlena Wolnik interviewed by Anna CYMER

Malecki tandem [122]

With Joanna Małecka interviewed by Eliza MAKOWSKA

With an open head [130].

With Anna Paszkowska-Grudziąż talks with Katarzyna MIKULSKA

Sweet madness [142].
- extended version in the e-publication

Lucullus in St. Tropez,
proj.: Pracownia Architektoniczna Aleksandra Wasilkowska (Aleksandra Wasilkowska Architectural Studio)

Busy as a beehive [150, e154].
- extended version in e-publication

Warsaw Hive,
proj.: Beza Projekt (Anna Łoskiewicz-Zakrzewska, Zofia Strumiłło-Sukiennik)

By the water [e164].
- only in the e-publication

proj.: Bogdan & Van Broeck (Oana Bogdan)

The gender of architecture [156, e178].

The difference between the masculine and the feminine in architecture

  • Moodboard
  • Architektki zadziałają masą. Z Moniką Arczyńską rozmawia Katarzyna JAGODZIŃSKA
  • Palce lizać. Z Dominiką Wilczyńską i Barbarą Nawrocką rozmawia Katarzyna BARAŃSKA
  • Zmiana jest kwestią czasu. Z Ewą Kuryłowicz rozmawia Alicja GZOWSKA
  • Charakter jest ważniejszy niż płeć. Z Marleną Wolnik rozmawia Anna CYMER
  • Małecki tandem. Z Joanną Małecką rozmawia Eliza MAKOWSKA
  • Z otwartą głową. Z Anną Paszkowską-Grudziąż rozmawia Katarzyna MIKULSKA
  • Słodkie szaleństwo. Lukullus w St. Tropez
  • Pracowicie jak w ulu. Warszawski Ul
  • Płeć architektury. Różnica między tym, co męskie, i tym, co kobiece w architekturze

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