10 questions for by Kalata Architekci

10 questions for by Kalata Architekci

10 questions to...

"10 Questions to..." is a series of short interviews with architects to whom we address the same pool of questions. Are you curious about who your favorite architect would like to design something with? Or maybe find out what books or cities inspire him the most? Find the answers to these questions in our mini-interviews!

what is architecture?

In our weekly series of short conversations with architects on the A&B portal, we publish the answers of leading figures in the world of architecture. In one of the questions we ask them to describe architecture in three words. For some, this is definitely "not enough words", while others try to describe this art discipline as synthetically as possible. How did he describe architecture in three words Robert Konieczny?

what do you want to know about architects, but are afraid to ask?

The weekly series of conversations with architects is based on a set of ten equal questions, to which the creators answer briefly and to the point. You'll find answers to slightly more personal questions that will give you a better understanding of the architects' profiles, the names of creators who have influenced their perception of architecture, the books and cities that most inspire them, and the buildings that are most important to them. Do you want to know what is the favorite city of Sczepan Wronski of the WXCA studio, or what is the favorite book on architecture by Przemo Lukasik of the medusa group? Look for the answers every Thursday on our portal!

Pracownię Kalata Architekci tworzą od 2010 roku Szymon Kalata i Eliza Kalata. 
Szymon Kalata studiował architekturę na Politechnice w Warszawie, w Technische Hochschule w Karlsruhe w Niemczech oraz w Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule w Zurychu (ETH) w Szwajcarii, pod kierunkiem prof. Hansa Kollhoffa oraz Christiana Kereza. Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywał w USA (O'Brien's & Associates Inc. w Dallas), w Szwajcarii (MET Architektur w Zurychu) i w Warszawie (Atelier 41, JK Architekci, JSK Architekci).
Eliza Kalata studiowała architekturę na Politechnice Warszawskiej, University of Detroit Mercy w Detroit w USA, Technische Hochschule w Karlsruhe w Niemczech oraz w Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule w Zurychu (ETH) w Szwajcarii w Studio Basel pod kierunkiem prof. Jacques Herzog & Pierre de Meuron i prof. Flory Ruchat‑Roncati. Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywała w Stanach Zjednoczonych (Archive Design Studio w Detroit) i w Szwajcarii (Enzmann Fischer Architects, Frank Zierau Architect, Bearth & Deplazes Architects, Meili & Peter Architects).