Culture by Ingarden & Ewý Architekci

Culture by Ingarden & Ewý Architekci

Architecture & culture

Architecture of cultural spaces is referred to as public facilities for meeting the needs in culture, covering all its fields, such as art, music, literature, cinematography, theater, etc.

what is the architecture of cultural spaces?

This is public facilities for meeting the needs in the field of culture, covering all its fields, such as art, music, literature, cinematography, theater, etc.

examples of architecture of cultural spaces

Institutions through which cultural activities are carried out, requiring adequate infrastructure, are primarily museums & galleries, libraries & media centers and any other cultural centers, including places where performing arts - community centers, opera houses, philharmonic halls, theaters, cinemas, and also amphitheaters and festival complexes.

categories of objects of architecture of cultural spaces (criterion of time of construction)

Buildings serving as edifices of cultural institutions are monuments adapted for these purposes, objects and spaces modernized or contemporary realizations from scratch. As late as the twentieth century, there seemed to be a prevailing tendency to locate museums, opera houses and philharmonics and theaters in historical interiors, which in popular opinion was associated with prestige and esteem. However, with time, the trend began to fade and was maintained only selectively, as a result of concern for the stylistic consistency of the building with the nature of the exhibitions and repertoire presented in it. The widespread resonance of the success of such projects as the revitalization of Rotterdam and the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao has encouraged experimentation with form and mass, especially since creativity and innovation are by no means doomed in advance to collide with the Vitruvian triad, but can successfully with it coexist.

Purpose and goals of architecture of cultural spaces

The overriding function of this type of architecture - since its inception - has been to provide access to culture for its users. Since the second half of the last century, the social aspect has begun to receive attention - while earlier it was not controversial when participation in culture bore the hallmarks of elitism, after the indicated caesura one can clearly observe the desire to make the objects of architecture of cultural spaces as inclusive as possible and accessible to all, regardless of the rung of the stratification ladder occupied or biological limitations of the organism (for example, dysfunctions of the organs of movement or sight). In addition, we should note the manifestations of adaptation mechanisms of the architecture of cultural spaces to the lifestyle of modern societies, for example, public libraries in shopping centers. In Poland, the first such facility was established in 2006 in Olsztyn, and then in Wrzeszcz and in Gliwice.

Another challenge (that this kind of architecture is currently facing) is the ability to blend into the fabric of the smart city.

Ingarden & Ewý – autorskie biuro projektowe założone w roku 1998 przez krakowskich architektów Krzysztofa Ingardena i Jacka Ewý współpracujących ze sobą od ponad 20 lat – wcześniej w ramach biura JET Atelier, założonego w 1991 roku.

Domeną biura Ingarden & Ewý są nowatorskie projekty obiektów użyteczności publicznej, wśród których wymienić można Centrum Kongresowe ICE Kraków Congress Centre (2014), Małopolski Ogród Sztuki (2012), Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej Manggha zrealizowane we współpracy z japońskim architektem Aratą Isozaki (1994), ambasadę Polski w Tokio (2001), pawilon Polski na wystawie EXPO 2005 Aichi (2005) oraz wiele krakowskich obiektów: pawilon wystawowo-informacyjny Wyspiański 2000 (2007), centrum biurowe Rondo Business Park (2008), Ogród Doświadczeń w Parku Lotników (2008), biblioteka Uniwersytetu Papieskiego (2010).

Poza obiektami użyteczności publicznej w pracowni Ingarden & Ewý powstało wiele nieszablonowych, docenionych przez środowisko architektoniczne, inwestorów oraz użytkowników projektów mieszkaniowych, biurowych, handlowych oraz przemysłowych.