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Results of voting for the Audience Award in the "Brick Architecture Competition 2024".

23 of December '24

We have completed the online voting for the Audience Award - the best student work submitted to the "Brick Architecture Competition 2024". This nationwide event was organized by the Association of Employers of Building Ceramics and the Association of Polish Architects. The plebiscite included 20 projects that made it to the finals of the competition. The award in the single-family house category went to Magdalena Wrona and Dominika Wodek (509 votes), and in the future construction category the winners were Maksymilian Maron and Mikołaj Siatczyński (241 votes). Congratulations to the awardees!

Zwycięska praca w kategorii BUDOWNICTWO PRZYSZŁOŚCI

The winning work in the category CONSTRUCTION OF THE FUTURE

© Maksymiliana Maron, Mikolaj Siatczynski

The competition was judged on unrealized projects that could be a vision of developing a specific space in an existing or abstract location. Each person could submit a work in one or both categories.

The jury, consisting ofAgnieszka Kalinowska-Sołtys,Daria Kieżun,Jan Belina-Brzozowski, Grzegorz Stiasny and Marek Furmańczyk - a representative of the Association of Employers of Building Ceramics, awarded 10 works in two categories:Single-Family House and Building of theFuture. You can learn the results of the competition on our portal (see: Results of the Brick Architecture Competition - 2024 edition).

voting results

In December this year. Architecture & Business gave a vote to its male and female readers, announcing a competition for the Audience Award. Male and female Internet users were able to vote for their favorite graduation project, from among the 20 works admitted to the finals. Each person could vote for one project in each category, a total of two votes could be cast in the voting.

In the single-family house category, the winners were Magdalena Wrona and Dominika Wodek,

authors of the work "Brick Oasis", made at the Faculty of Construction and Architecture of Lublin University of Technology. The project received 509 votes.

In the category of construction of the future, the winners were Maksymilian Maron and Mikołaj Siatczyński,

who created the work "Pavilion in Brick Runner technology", made at the Faculty of Architecture of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. The project received 241 votes.

The authors and the author of the best work will receive a diploma and a one-year subscription to the monthly magazine "A&B".
The full results of the vote and all participating projects can be found in the article Choose the Audience Award in the "Brick Architecture Competition 2024".

Aleksandra Skorupa

The vote has already been cast