
deadline for submitting works


"Kindergarten design" competition

organizer: Polish Lighting Industry Association

The Polish Lighting Industry Association, in cooperation with the studios Goczołowie Architekci Studio Autorskie and OVO Grąbczewscy Architekci, and the SOMA agency, organizer of the International Trade Fair LIGHT in Warsaw, has announced a competition "Design of a kindergarten."

ThePolish Lighting Industry Association, in cooperation with Goczołowie Architekci Studio Authorskie and OVO Grąbczewscy Architekci studios and SOMA agency, the organizer of the International Trade Fair LIGHT in Warsaw, has announced the "Kindergarten Design" competition.


The purpose of the competition is to design the concept of the best kindergarten building in terms of architecture, space and functionality.

The building should be divided into spaces for learning, playing and eating. The design should also include a playground, administration and medical care rooms. The rooms for the youngest children should be different from those for older children, the rooms should encourage children to stay in them and interact with their peers, be a second home for them. The location of the project is arbitrary.

The impact of light - both natural and artificial - should play an important role in the space. The competition proposal should include lighting solutions from KANLUX.

terms and conditions

The competition is an open, international and one-stage competition. It is addressed to people involved in architecture, art, industrial design, as well as all other scientific fields. The competition is open to both individuals and teams. Teams can be interdisciplinary. Submitted works must not have been previously published anywhere or been the subject of another competition.


  • I Prize - 4 500 PLN
  • II Prize - PLN 1,700
  • Third Prize - PLN 1,250
  • Three honorable mentions in the form of diplomas


  • submission of questions by participants - until December 20, 2024
  • providing answers to questions - until December 31, 2024
  • submission ofworks - until January 17, 2025
  • deliberations of the jury - until February 7, 2025
  • announcement of works qualified for the finals - February 10, 2025
  • settlement of the competition - March 13, 2025

competition court

  • Beata Goczoł - architect, Goczołowie Architekci Studio Autorskie
  • Oskar Grąbczewski - architect, OVO Grąbczewscy Architekci
  • Maciej Jurkowski-Lukas - artist, designer, architect
  • Marek Orłowski - Polish Lighting Industry Association
  • Prof. Michał Stefanowski - Head of the Department of Design at the Faculty of Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
  • prof. Wojciech Wybieralski - retired employee. Faculty of Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
  • representative of the KANLUX company
  • laureate(s) of the 1st Prize of the previous edition of the competition
  • Elżbieta Dajer - secretary of the competition, SOMA Agency

more information

Rules and regulations with detailed guidelines for the submission of works are available on the competition website.



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