
deadline for submitting works


Competition of the Society of Polish Town Planners for the best developed public space in Poland

organizer: Society of Polish Town Planners

The Society of Polish Town Planners has announced the 18th edition of the competition for the best developed public space in Poland - once again the best publicly accessible urban planning and architectural projects in Poland will be selected. {More}

The Society of Polish Town Planners has announced the 18th edition of the competition for the best developed public space in Poland.

The aim of the "Competition of the Society of Polish Town Planners for the Best Developed Public Space in Poland" is to select the best examples of publicly accessible spaces of high social value, revitalizing historic buildings, restoring the cultural identity of places or protecting natural and landscape values. In judging the works, the Jury will take into account utilitarian, aesthetic and emotional issues of the presented realizations, as well as the ways in which European, national or local government funds were used to complete them.

The scope of the categories in which prizes will be awarded will be determined at the first meeting of the Competition Jury.

terms and conditions

The competition is a two-stage, open competition, and applications can be sent by public and private entities, as well as social organizations.

The objects of the "Competition of the Society of Polish Town Planners for the Best Developed Public Space in Poland" are public spaces understood as areas with clearly defined boundaries, affecting the surroundings at least on the scale of a neighborhood or district, and adapted for use by representatives of various social groups.

Not eligible for the competition are mono-functional projects, such as swimming pools, playgrounds or sports fields, as well as facilities that are available for a fee and only during designated hours.

The competition is also open to projects that improve the operation of already existing public spaces - signage systems, small architecture or laws that organize the urban landscape.

Entry to the competition is free of charge, and the number of proposals submitted by one entity is not limited.

Projects that have been put into service by the end of 2023 can be submitted - subject to works that were submitted in previous editions of the competition.


  • The end of submission of applications for Stage I: September 10, 2024,
  • end of submission of entries for Stage II: October 31, 2024.


The Jury of the Competition will consist of:

  • General Board of the Society of Polish Urban Planners
  • The College of the Society of Polish Urban Planners

and representatives of:

  • SARP Main Board
  • National Council of the Chamber of Architects
  • National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Association of Friends of Integration
  • Association of Polish Cities
  • government administration
  • sponsors
  • professionalpress
  • media

The secretary of the competition is mgr inż. arch. Joanna Grocholewska.

more information

Regulations and application form are available on the competition website.



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