
deadline for submitting works


New Museum of Architecture and Design

organizer: ADM company and the foundation of the Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design

The organizers are inviting entries for a competition to design a new Museum of Architecture and Design in Helsinki. They are looking for an original museum building that will define Helsinki as an important center of architecture, design, art and culture.

The organizers are inviting entries for a competition to design a new Museum of Architecture and Design in Helsinki. They are looking for an original museum building that will define Helsinki as an important center of architecture, design, art and culture.


The goal of the competition is to select a design for a new museum to be built in Helsinki's South Harbour neighborhood. The idea is to create an open, friendly, peaceful and reflective space that will attract the widest possible range of visitors.

terms and conditions

The competition is in two stages and is open. However, the lead designer must hold a master's degree in architecture and be a resident and licensed to practice architecture in an EU country or a country that is a party to the Government Procurement Agreement.


  • 1st place: 50,000 euros
  • Second place: 35,000 euros
  • 3rd place: 25,000 euros
  • additional prizes: 2 x 20,000 euros
  • each team that advances to the second stage will receive an additional 50,000 euros


  • deadline for submission of works for the first stage: August 29, 2024
  • announcement of finalists: December 2024
  • stage II of the competition: February-May 2025
  • announcement of results: September 2025


  • Mikko Aho - SAFA architect, Vice Chairman of Real Estate Company ADM, Chairman of the Jury
  • Juha Lemström - SAFA architect, Chairman of Real Estate Company ADM, Vice Chairman of the Jury
  • Gus Casely-Hayford - director of V&A East
  • Beatrice Galilee - architect, executive director of The World Around
  • Kaarina Gould - CEO, Foundation of the Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design
  • Salla Hoppu - SAFA architect, chief architect of Helsinki
  • Beate Hølmebakk - architect, professor, Manthey Kula Architects
  • Riitta Kaivosoja - director general, Ministry of Education and Culture, Department of Arts and Culture Policy
  • Matti Kuittinen - architect, associate professor, Aalto University
  • Sari Nieminen - SAFA architect, Sari Nieminen architectural office
  • Miklu Silvanto - designer, entrepreneur, board member of AD Museum Ltd.
  • Anni Sinnemäki - deputy mayor for Urban Environment, City of Helsinki
  • Hannu Tikka - SAFA architect, professor, APRT Architects

    more information

    Rules and regulations with detailed submission guidelines are available on the competition website.



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