7 DIY Christmas decorations. You'll make these decorations yourself!

19 of December '24

Store shelves are overflowing with various Christmas decorations, and you still can't find anything for yourself? Or maybe you want to creatively spend time with your children? Self-made Christmas decorations are a great way to create a unique arrangement. Check out our 7 suggestions and get inspired!

1. wreath for the door

Welcome your guests with a festive atmosphere from the doorstep! To create a Christmas wreath you will need a round base made of wicker, wire or Styrofoam; spruce, mistletoe or eucalyptus branches and accessories such as pinecones , dried fruits or ribbons. Attach the twigs to the base with florist wire, and then decorate as desired. Such a wreath will be great not only as a decoration for the front door, but also in the interior.

Dekoracyjny wieniec wprowadzi świąteczną atmosferę już od wejścia Świąteczny wieniec dobrze sprawdzi się nie tylko jako dekoracja drzwi wejściowych, ale także np. w kuchni

Christmas wreath will work well not only as a decoration of the front door, but also, for example, in the kitchen

Photo by Annie Spratt © UNSPLASH/© Kaboompics

2. painted pinecones

You can easily turn ordinary pinecones into elegant table or Christmas tree decorations. Just use a paintbrush or dip the pinecones directly into a can of paint. Choose shades of white, gold or silver to give them an extra festive look. In addition, still wet paint, you can sprinkle glitter.

Pomaluj szyszki, aby uzyskać ciekawy efekt

Paint the cones for an interesting effect

© Freepik

3. refreshed baubles

You can easily refreshold baubles by painting and decorating them anew. All you need is spray or acrylic paints, glitter, sequins, feathers and other decorations. Painted baubles can have a minimalist character or richer decorations, depending on your taste. You can also get an interesting effect, for example, by taping parts of the bauble and painting only the selected part.

Stare bombki z łatwością odświeżysz za pomocą dekoracyjnej farby

You can easily refresh old baubles with decorative paint

© Tikkurila

4 - Minimalist nursery

Not a fan of typical cribs filled with figurines? Opt for an original and minimalist form of crèche. A wooden box or a small basket filled only with hay can become a charming decoration in a rustic style. Add a symbolic crown for a touching effect. Such a delicate and elegant decoration will discreetly bring a festive atmosphere to the interior.

Minimalistyczna wersja żłobka będzie oryginalną dekoracją

A minimalist version of the manger will be an original decoration

Photo by Megan Watson © UNSPLASH

5. chair decoration

Table gatherings are the essence of Christmas. So take care not only to decorate the tabletop, but also the chairs. All you need is a few spruce or pine branches gathered in a bouquet and tied with a ribbon to the backrest. You can also add small baubles, pendants or bells to make the composition even more festive.

Dekoracja krzeseł urozmaici świąteczną aranżację

Decorating the chairs will add variety to the Christmas arrangement

Photo by Elena Ferrer © UNSPLASH

6. paper ornaments

Paper ornaments are both inexpensive and versatile. From colorful sheets you can create stars, angels, Christmas tree chains or window cutouts. These types of decorations will especially appeal to children, as creating them is great fun for the whole family.

Tworzenie ozdób z papieru to świetny sposób na spędzenie czasu z dziećmi

Creating paper ornaments is a great way to spend time with children

© Kaboompics

7. composition with a candle

A decorative reed doesn't have to be complicated at all. A simple candle placed in a jar and decorated with cinnamon, dried orange slices and anise will not only look beautiful, but also spread a pleasant fragrance throughout the room.

Pachnąca świeca i kilka dodatków stworzą prosty, lecz stylowy stroik

A scented candle and a few accessories will create a simple but stylish reed

Photo by Mariana B © UNSPLASH

Are you decorating your interior? We have more inspiration for you!


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