5 Ways to Organize Your Interior in Organic Brutalism Style

18 of November '24

How to arrange an interior in the Organic Brutalism style? What exactly is this style? We present 5 things that are necessary when creating such an interior.

Organic brutalism łączy surowość z ciepłem

Organic brutalism combines rawness with warmth

© WestwingNow

What is the Organic Brutalism style?

Organic Brutalism - a combination of raw forms of brutalism with organic elements of nature. Thanks to this juxtaposition, heavy forms acquire warmth and the space becomes cozier. These interiors retain the characteristic Brutalist design, but are enriched with natural materials, soft textures and gentle shapes.

W tym stylu brutalistyczne elementy zostają złagodzone za pomocą organicznych dodatków

In this style, the brutalist elements are softened with organic accessories

© WestwingNow

Contrasting material combinations

A key material in brutalism was concrete. It is what gives the interiors the austerity desired in this style. You can use it on walls, floors and even furniture and accessories. However, remember to break it up with warmer textures such as wood or soft textiles.

Betonową bazę aranżacji uzupełnij przytulnymi elementami

Complement the concrete base of the arrangement with cozy elements

© WestwingNow

Organic forms

Gentle shapes of furnishings bring a balance between austerity and nature. So opt for rounded tables, curved lamps and accessories with a wave motif. Round furniture is also one of the biggest trends this year. They even reigned supreme at the 62nd Salone del Mobile exhibition.

Łukowata lampa wykonana z metalu idealnie łączy obie estetyki Łagodniejsze formy wyposażenia zrównowazą surowy charakter wnętrza

Softer forms of furnishings will balance the austere character of the interior

© Kaboompics/WestwingNow

Colors inspired by nature

The organic brutalism style is dominated by muted, natural colors, such as grays, browns, earth tones, black and white. It is also worth introducing accents in shades of rusty orange, sandy beige and smoky green. They will add variety to the arrangement and add depth and create a more welcoming, cozy atmosphere.

Rdzawa pomarańcz urozmaici stonowaną kolorystykę Dodatek przygaszonej zieleni ożywi wnętrze

Rusty orange will add variety to the subdued color scheme

© WestwingNow

Simplicity and functionality

The style also draws from brutalism's penchant for minimalist arrangements. Interiors are meant to be functional and devoid of unnecessary ornamentation. So focus on expressive forms and practical interior layout. Complete the whole with organic accessories that soften the austerity.

Aranżacja w stylu organic brutalism powinna być prosta i funkcjonalna Ociepl minimalistyczną aranżację dodając drewniane elementy

Warm up the minimalist arrangement by adding wooden elements

© Kaboompics

Adore imperfection

Raw and natural textures, such as unpolished stones, irregular surfaces or roughness, emphasize the organic character of the interior. So use raw metal instead of polished, and aged wood. Also consider spotlighting, which will highlight the varied textures. Handicrafts, especially bowls, vases, pots, or sculptures, can be an arrangement dot over the i.

Zestawiaj ze sobą różne tekstury Rękodzieło będzie idealnym dodatkiem do wnętrza w stylu organic brutalism

Juxtapose different textures

© WestwingNow/Kaboompics

Check out other styles in articles from the 5 Ways to Interiors series


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