House numbers that are also... birdhouses!

16 of July '24
w skrócie
  1. Numbird was made by father and son, Mikołaj Nicer (Nicer Design) and Paweł Frej (Hibrands).
  2. In 2021, project received the Red Dot Concept Award.
  3. Birdhouses are shaped like numbers and letters, so we can use them to put an address on the facade of a building.
  4. The product is made of waterproof plywood impregnated with natural oil.
  5. More interesting information can be found on the main page of the PdD portal

A father and son duo decided to create a product that would not only be aesthetically pleasing, but also improve the quality of life for animals in the city. This is how Numbird was created. Their house numbers also function as birdhouses.

Numbird zapewniają bezpieczną przestrzeń dla ptaków w mieście

Numbird product provides a safe space for birds in the city

© Numbird

Design for nature

Numbird is a collection of nesting boxes in the shape of numbers and letters. The product is designed to mark street addresses in urban areas. In 2021, design received the Red Dot Concept Award. This award and the huge interest convinced the creators to implement it for sale.

- Numbird is the result of intensive work, going in different directions and searching for optimal solutions, but also a fantastic experience we had on the way from concept to final product — say the authors of the project.

Budki mają kształt cyfr i liter, z których możemy ułożyć numer budynku

Birdhouses are shaped like numbers and letters, so we can use them to put an address on the facade of a building

© Numbird

A place for everyone

Dynamic urban development destroyed many natural habitats. The population of small birds has been particularly affected. Rapid urbanization has caused a dramatic decrease in the space available to build safe nests. Mikołaj Nicer and Paweł Frej decided not only to draw attention to this problem, but also propose a solution that will help restore balance to our environment and allow us to look with greater empathy at the fate of birds.

- We believe that by popularizing our project, the city can be a better place to live, where people and birds peacefully coexist — they stress.

Education and fun

The birdhouses are made of waterproof plywood impregnated with natural oil. The kit, which we can order from the Numbird website, includes all parts that are necessary for self-assembly. The authors hope that constructing the birdhouses can be an opportunity to spend time together and educate children about environmental protection and sustainable development.

- An important element of the project is to create an opportunity to assemble the birdhouse together as a family. We would like to emotionally involve all residents, especially the youngest ones, by working together to prepare our number-box — say Mikołaj Nicer and Paweł Frej.

Zestaw zawiera elementy do samodzielnego montażu

The kit includes components for self-assembly

© Numbird

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