5 ways to organize your interior in shabby chic style

02 of December '24

How to arrange an interior in the shabby chic style? What exactly is this style? We present 5 things that are necessary when creating such an interior.

Wnętrze w stylu shabby chic jest romantyczne i eleganckie

Shabby chic style interior is romantic and elegant

Photo: wirestock © Freepik

Shabby chic - a romantic aesthetic that combines vintage elements with soft pastels and the deliberate effect of aged furniture and decorations. Its popularity is due to Rachel Ashwell, a British decorator who founded the first store dedicated to this style.

Feminine color scheme

Choosing the right colors is the key to achieving an interior in this style. Opt for light and pastel shades such as white, cream, pink, blue, mint and lavender. You can break them up with accents in gold, silver or soft grays. You can further decorate the walls with wallpaper with a floral pattern. Light wood will work best on the floor.

Aby osiągnąć romantyczny, świeży efekt zastosuj jasne barwy

To achieve a romantic, fresh effect use bright colors

Photo: lifeforstock © Freepik

Items with soul

An important element of shabby chic is vintage-style furniture. You can use old, refurbished pieces or stylized ones that bear traces of use. Wooden chests of drawers, display cases, tables or dressing tables painted in white or pastel, especially those with bent legs and carved details, fit perfectly into this style. Additional charm to the interior will be given by fabrics - cotton, linen, lace or embroidery. Pillows with frills, quilted bedspreads and curtains in delicate floral patterns will make the space even cozier.

Odnowione meble są kluczowym elementem wnętrza w stylu shabby chic We wnętrzach w stylu shabby chic często znajdziemy białe meble vintage

Renovated furniture is a key element of a shabby chic style interior

Photo: freepic.diller/v.ivash © Freepik

The charm is hidden in the details

Decorations in the shabby chic style are subtle, but they have a big impact on the atmosphere of the interior. Porcelain cups, ornate photo frames, crystal chandeliers or mirrors in aged frames will bring a romantic mood to the space. The shabby chic style unleashes creativity. Painting pots or creating DIY decorations is a great way to personalize your interior. With this style you can create a space full of nostalgia, warmth and romantic charm.

Subtelne dekoracje zbudują romantyczny klimat wnętrza

Subtle decorations will build a romantic interior atmosphere

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Elegant lighting

Shabby chic style fixtures should be delicate and decorative. Crystal chandeliers or table lamps with lace lampshades fit perfectly into this aesthetic. The interior will be complemented by fresh flowers and subtle potted plants in whitewashed covers.

Zdobny żyrandol idealnie wpisze się w estetykę shabby chic

An ornate chandelier will fit perfectly into the shabby chic aesthetics

© WestwingNow

Harmonious contrasts

An important role in a shabby chic interior is played by harmony, which manifests itself in the skillful combination of apparent contrasts. This is an aesthetic that avoids exaggeration and heavy glamour, instead opting for subtlety and lightness. Shabby chic values the combination of old and new - for example, an antique table can stand next to a modern pastel armchair.

Nowoczesną drewnianą toaletkę możesz połączyć z lustrem vintage w zdobnej ramie

You can combine a modern wooden dressing table with a vintage mirror in an ornate frame

© Freepik

Check out other styles in articles from the 5 Ways to Interiors series


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