Agnieszka Łuksik

"My name is Agnieszka Luksik. I completed my first degree at the Faculty of Architecture at the Wrocław University of Technology. The Dolmeneum project is my diploma thesis, carried out under the supervision of Ms. dr. hab. inż. arch. Anna Bać Prof. Pwr. Choosing the topic of the diploma was easy for me, because the combination of sustainable design with the least possible interference in the existing landscape is what I value most in architecture - good design with a view to future generations. I am interested in everything related to architecture, as well as art. I like to spend an afternoon with a sketchbook or paintbrush in hand. In longer breaks I travel. This is what inspires me to create. Learning about different places, cultures and people's needs is the basis for new projects. Such is what the Dolmeneum is. The newly designed site is a proposal, influencing the enhancement of local tourism, while at the same time being a way to educate and spread knowledge about the existing megalithic remains, characteristic of this region of Portugal. Moreover, it is an example of self-sustaining architecture that preserves the local landscape."

Architektura & Biznes – articles