Revitalization by Marta Kowalska

Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Revitalization by Marta Kowalska

Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Architectural revitalization

what is revitalization?

According to the Law of 2015, revitalization "constitutes a process of leading out of the crisis state of degraded areas, carried out in a comprehensive manner, through integrated actions for the benefit of the local community, space and economy, concentrated territorially, carried out by stakeholders of revitalization on the basis of a municipal revitalization program."

The word revitalization is taken from Latin (Latin for "revitalization").

The word revitalization is taken from Latin (Latin re-+vita) and in literal translation means restoration, revitalization. In practice, it is a set of activities aimed at transforming, both on a social, architectural, urban and economic level, a selected urban area, which is most often in poor condition due to its economic and social situation. Revitalization programs can address, among other things, degraded areas of cities that have lost their original function (for example, inactive brownfields where it is necessary to give a new function).

Revitalization, therefore, is not just about renewing the facades of historic buildings, but is a process aimed at improving the lives of residents. An example of revitalization is Seoullo High Line - a reconstruction of a road and flyover designed by Dutch architects from MVRDV studio.

Revitalization versus revitalization, restoration, restoration, reconstruction and conservation - what are the differences?

Revitalization is often confused with activities carried out on individual objects that are in poor technical condition. These include, but are not limited to, revaluation, renovation, restoration, reconstruction and conservation.

Revaluation is the term closest to revitalization, but on a smaller scale. It is a type of conservation activity aimed at restoring the use values and exposure of both architectural monuments and entire urban complexes. It includes conservation and adaptation measures that result in the adaptation of historical buildings to modern requirements. An example of such activities can be found in Wrocław's InfoWuWa Pavilion - a former streetcar waiting room (and later a hairdressing salon) adjacent to a galleried rental house designed by Paul Heim and Albert Kempter.

Renovation is the restoration or refreshing of buildings or works of art; restoration refers to activities aimed at restoring a damaged or altered object to its former form and value, according to surviving documentation; reconstruction is the restoration of a damaged monument or its elements and return to the state before the destruction; and conservation includes treatments that sustain objects in good condition and protect them from deterioration.