Gackowska Design

I founded Gackowska Design in 2009, and since then I have completed enough projects, both in developer and "secondary market" units, to be confident in my ideas and decisions. Most of my projects are those with supervision, thanks to them I've spent many hours on construction sites, and I've done enough work on my own to be confident that what I'm designing can be done, and that I know how to do it.

Interior design actually requires constant learning. New solutions, opportunities, products, trends are emerging all the time. For me, learning about new solutions is not only a necessity, but also a great pleasure. I like to develop, I like to learn new, I like to read, look, look, listen, so I can offer you more and more interesting solutions.

Interior design has always been what I wanted to do, so I invariably get great pleasure in creating and, above all, in working with you. I enjoy getting to know you, making friends not only for the duration of the project. All my projects are mine. I get attached to them, I like them, respect them, understand them and could adopt them at home. Well, maybe with the exception of the pink color, although I also design and respect pink interiors.

Working together with me are Eve and Michael. Eve creates visualizations and panoramas for you. She reads my thoughts and is able to translate them into images. Michal supports me in drawings when time is short, and reads all my ideas, figures and notes with perfect accuracy.

Products for Home – articles