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Concrete Architecture 2020. awards for the best theses given out!

30 of October '20

Theresults of the 21st edition ofthe Concrete Architecture 2020 competition - an academic award for the best thesis using concrete -were announced on October 26. The annual competition is organized thanks to the cooperation between the Department of Architectural Design and Architectural Composition of the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology and the Association of Cement Producers.

The idea for the competition on concrete architecture, initiated in 2000, was born, as the organizers write, from the conviction of the appropriateness of drawing the attention of graduate students to the qualities of the building material, which becomes an element of the special game of the shape of architecture. The project was animated by Professor Dariusz Kozlowski, long-time dean of the Faculty of Architecture and winner of the 2011 SARP Honorary Award, who said:

Concrete for an architect is what a diamond is for a jeweler: properly polished it becomes adiamond.

The competition was open to diploma theses, the author of which obtained a master's degree in architectural engineering at a Polish university in a given academic year. The evaluation criteria, as we read in the regulations, concerned the architectural values of the project, based on the aesthetic and structural qualities of concrete. Thirty-six theses from 12 Faculties of Architecture were submitted for this year's competition. The jury was composed of Professor Jacek Gyurkovich (chairman of the jury, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at PK), Dr. Klaudiusz Fross, Professor at PŚ (referee, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at Silesian University of Technology), Professor Jan Słyk (Pro-rector of Warsaw University of Technology), Professor Marek Pabich (Director of the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Construction, Architecture and Environmental Engineering at Lodz University of Technology), Dr. hab. Tomasz Kozlowski, professor at PK (commissioner of the competition) and Zbigniew Pilch (Head of Marketing at the Association of Cement Producers) awarded three prizes and three honorable mentions.

Equal main prizes were awarded to:

Paweł Danielak
Thesis title: sloð - a spa resort in Iceland.
Promoter: Dr. Marian Fikus, Prof. PP
Faculty of Architecture,Poznan University of Technology.

sloð — ośrodek spa na Islandii, proj.: Paweł Danielak

sloð - spa center in Iceland, designed by: Paweł Danielak

Szymon Ciupinski
Thesis title: Lazzaretto Vecchio - a cinema island in the Venetian Lagoon.
Promoter: Dr. Marek Lamber
Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław University of Technology.

Lazzaretto Vecchio — wyspa kina na Lagunie Weneckiej, proj.: Szymon Ciupiński

Bianka Gajdzińska (Swinder)
Thesis title: Open Architecture Center.
: Prof. Ewa Kuryłowicz
Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology.

Otwarte Centrum Architektury, proj.: Bianka Gajdzińska

Open Architecture Center, designed by: Bianka Gajdzińska.

Equal honorable mentions were awarded to:

Agata Morawczyńska
Title of work: Museum of sailing in Gdynia.
Promoter: Dr. Marcin Giedrowicz
Faculty of Architecture, Poznan University of Technology.

Muzeum żeglarstwa w Gdyni, proj.: Agata Morawczyńska

Museum of Sailing in Gdynia, designed by: Agata Morawczyńska

Dagmara Romaniak
Thesis title: Storytelling: Concrete Corridor. Multicultural Corridor project in Cape Town as an example of perceiving multiculturalism through architectural dialogue.
Promoter: Dr. Jerzy Wojewódka, Prof. PŚ
Faculty of Architecture, Silesian University of Technology.

Storytelling: Concrete Corridor, proj.: Dagmara Romaniak

Storytelling: Concrete Corridor, proj.: Dagmara Romaniak

Paulina Müller
Title of work: "White" Route of Opole - Museum of Cement Industry with a didactic path on the route of Opole's technical monuments.
Promoter: Dr. Małgorzata Balcer-Zgraja
Faculty of Architecture, Silesian University of Technology.

„Biały” Szlak Opola — Muzeum Przemysłu Cementowego, proj.: Paulina Müller

"White" Route of Opole - Museum of Cement Industry, designed by: Paulina Müller

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