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Martyna Komkowska - "Dream in Architecture. Space in the face of aspects of everyday life"

08 of July '22
Technical data
Type: master's thesis
Year of defense: 2021
Name: "Dream in architecture. Space towards aspects of everyday life"
Author: Martyna Komkowska
University: Faculty of Architecture and Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk.

Prof. Jacek Dominiczak


Martyna Rajewska

Work submitted for the competition
"Best Interior Design Diploma 2020/2022".

An in-depth analysis of the issue of sleep helped me formulate the question of whether the quality of sleep can depend on the space in which this process takes place - space understood both in the context of architecture itself and the urban space in which this architecture is located. This has to do with the modern lifestyle of residents of large cities, where, it seems, free time and rest are the privilege of only a few.

Living in a constant rush has its health consequences and manifests itself, for example, in the form of sleep disorders. In the next design step, I formed in my imagination a vision of a place that could be a comprehensive answer to the problem of sleep disorders. A place that focuses exclusively on this one specific problem.

Dziedziniec wewnętrzny

The inner courtyard

© Martyna Komkowska

The main idea was to create a place emanating peace and containing an element of mysterious dream visions. I wanted the whole premise to give the viewer a sense of security and care, while at the same time allowing them to develop rituals related to sleep.

Ośrodek snu, przekrój przez bryłę

Dream center, cross-section through the block

© Martyna Komkowska

The designed Sleep Center was divided into three zones: the Daily, Transition and Night zones. The Day Zone is the introduction - it is here that the story of getting to sleep begins, and the architecture is the basis for creating the ritual of transition from day to night. The meditation room located here is an almost sacred zone, through meditation the quieting of the mind and body is celebrated here.

Strefa dzienna Ośrodka Snu Ośrodek Snu, wnętrze sali do medytacji

The Daytime Zone is an introduction, it is here that the process of entering into sleep begins

© Martyna Komkowska

The Transition Zone, occupying the second floor of the building, is responsible for a kind of transformation, work on habits - in part A there are rooms for cognitive-behavioral therapy, in part B there is a separate zone for yoga - tranquility. Visually contrasting divisions of space have been used in the interiors to reinforce in the viewer the sense of day-night separation.

 Sala do jogi, Strefa przejściowa Część strefy nocnej, korytarz

The author clearly separated the spaces with contrasting colors

© Martyna Komkowska

The Night Zone is marked by bedrooms - polysomnography rooms where patients spend several nights. The bedroom windows face east, which has to do with the sun's effect on the human diurnal rhythm. This part of the building, in order to keep out noise, is surrounded by a wall. The space between it and the windows is filled with greenery - such a constant landscape has a soothing effect on the senses, as it does not provide variable, distracting stimuli. In the inner part of the building a courtyard with a garden has been separated.

Ośrodek snu, rzut parteru Ośrodek snu, rzut 1. piętra

floor plan of the Dream Center

© Martyna Komkowska

The designed space is part of the continuation of the Theoretical City, created with other graduate students in the Urban Interiors Design Studio. The project was inscribed in the tissue of a small city, and covers the area of two quarters lying next to each other. In their interiors the Dream Center was located. Such location of the facility was dictated by the need to "hide" it from the noises of the city and the desire to provide peace and quiet for users.

Ośrodek snu, aksonometria

Sleep Center, axonometry

© Martyna Komkowska

The Sleep Center building was divided into two parts in relation to the existing street passing between the quarters. This street serves as a pedestrian promenade - for the sake of a sense of security and to reduce noise, pedestrian and bicycle transportation was prioritized here. Both blocks of the Dream Center relate in form to the surrounding tenement houses - both in terms of geometry, divisions and roof form.

Ośrodek Snu, strefa przejściowa

Dream Center, transition zone

© Martyna Komkowska

The spaces between the tenements and the body of the Center have been allocated for pedestrian routes. I decided to close off the interiors of the quarters to outsiders in order to create a somewhat sleepy atmosphere conducive to a sense of calm. I wanted to subtly build a setting that could be the backdrop of dreamy dreams, but at the same time respond to the real needs of the user.

Ośrodek Snu, strefa dzienna

Dream Center, daytime zone

© Martyna Komkowska

Architecture accompanying sleep should be characterized by empathy and understanding towards human daily life, of which sleep is an essential part. On the one hand, the space shuts down together with the user during his sleep, extinguishing all stimulus generators, on the other hand, it watches over his safety.


Illustrations: © Author

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