Karol Styrczula

My name is Karol Styrczula, I come from a small village in the Podhale region of Ratułów. I graduated from the Zakopane "Budowlanka" where I obtained the title of construction technician. In 2022 I graduated from the Podhale State Vocational University in Nowy Targ. Under the guidance of Professor Marek Kowicki, I defended my engineering thesis entitled. "The design of a social and cultural center in the area of the market in Czarny Dunajec", receiving the title of architect.

When creating my projects, I am guided by combining aesthetics with functionality, looking for more and more innovative architectural and construction solutions, arousing emotions, inspired by famous architects. Because of where I come from, the closest to my heart is the Zakopane style introduced by Stanislaw Witkiewicz. I excel in individual work, although I am a person who likes to work in a team. Privately, I am interested in automobiles and aviation.

Architektura & Biznes – articles