Maciej Rodak

Born in 1997 in Cracow, Poland. Student at the Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology and the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University.

Speaker at scientific conferences organized, among others, by the Cracow University of Technology and the Catholic University of Lublin. He has published in scientific publications (PUA - Space, Urbanism, Architecture) and architectural magazines (Rzut). Main coordinator of the organization of the National Meeting of Architecture Students OSSA in Krakow (2020). Animator of events promoting architecture, among others, "Studies on the Horizon" (2017, 2018), "Young Architects" (2018, 2019), "Let's talk about studies" (2020). Participant in architectural competitions and art exhibitions (including co-creator of the Natural Heritage Index work presented at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts gallery exhibition "Someday It Will Be"). Local activist and community activist.

In his activities he deals with the issue of relations in architecture and urban planning, especially in the context of connections with other areas of life in the community. In an interdisciplinary approach, he sees a path to the fullness of architecture, expressed through both form and content.

Architektura & Biznes – articles