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Tomasz Jałocha
Graduate of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow Academy of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts.
I am an architect oriented on carrying out projects using the method of in-depth research and comparative analysis of all conditions, guidelines and needs arising from the social, and urban context in order to gather a solid foundation of data to start the design process. I have been designing for many years, but architecture in itself is not the only object of my interest. I am passionate about the implementation and production of cultural events. I am interested in studying consumer needs and implementing solutions tailored to users. My goal has always been to create architecture, a product or service that can help other people. I have been a co-organizer of the International Architecture Biennale Krakow 2019, three editions of the Open Flats Krakow Festival, and the chairman of the KREATURA Student Circle, operating at the SARP Krakow Branch. In addition, I love mountain travel, am a budding mountaineer and an obsessive coffee lover.