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Three Poles on the Europe 40 Under 40® list

10 of May '23

Every year, the European Center for Architecture, Design and Urban Studies and the private Museum of Architecture and Design - Chicago Athenaeum awards 40 architects and designers under the age of 40, who, in the opinion of the jury, are rising stars of these disciplines in the European arena. This year, three Poles were among the 40 Under 40.

We are pleased to present the winners of the Europe 40 Under 40® program for 2022-2023, the world's most promising figures in the field of architecture and design and their distinctive and out-of-the-box projects. In these challenging times, it is extremely important to maintain insightful visions and ignite the flame of progress and architectural innovation. Presenting the most promising personalities in the field of architecture and design in Europe gives us hope for a better tomorrow," the contest organizers stressed.

How does the process of selecting the winners proceed? The jury evaluates the applications on the basis of the projects attached to the application, paying attention to, among other things, their innovation, unconventional solutions, use of the latest technologies and search for new materials, as well as ecological aspects. Participation in the competition is paid. This year's submissions were judged by architect and urban planner Marianna Athanasiadou, Mathieu Forest, founder of the Mathieu Forest Architecte studio, Jerome Michelangeli of michelangeli design, and Greek University of Patras lecturer Alcestis Rodi.

This year the list was dominated by representatives of France (16 designers). Also appreciated were three architects from Poland - Bartosz Dendura, Przemek Gawęda and Przemyslaw Kolodziej.

Bartosz Dendura
graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology, where he is currently an assistant professor of science and research actively participating in projects and studies devoted to ecological solutions and sustainable design. He also studied at the University of Tennessee. Since 2010, he has been running the Studio4SPACE office. One of his most recent projects - the Dobra 13 wooden house, realized with a pefabricated structure - was recognized in the plebiscite of the Malopolska Architecture Salon and in the competition of the Ministry of Climate and Environment for the best realized green building project.

Dobra 13

Dobra 13

© Bartosz Dendura Pracownia Architektoniczna studio4SPACE

Przemek Gawęda
is a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice and the founder of the Archigeum office - Architecture Directing Studio - which also deals with research projects. Przemek Gawęda's specialty is the architecture of sports facilities, such as the Średnia Krokiew in Zakopane or the innovative, intelligent tunnel for ski jumpers, which is designed not only to protect the facility itself from the negative effects of atmospheric activities, but above all to take care of the safety of athletes and equalize their chances in competitions.

© ARCHIGEUM Architecture Directing Studio

Przemysław Kołodziej
graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Wrocław University of Technology. For years he has been associated with the British studio Flanagan Lawrence, on whose behalf he was the architect in charge of the modernization of the Summer Theater in Szczecin. The object is intended by the authors of the reconstruction to be the best amphitheater in Europe in terms of acoustics and technology, thanks to innovative materials, construction and installations.

Teatr Letni w Szczecinie

Summer Theater in Szczecin

Photo: Piotr Krajewski


In past years, the list of artists who, according to the jury, will have an impact on the near future of European architecture included Bjarke Ingels of the Bjarke Ingels Group (2008) or the authors of the Szczecin Philharmonic - Fabrizio Barozzi and Alberto Veiga of the Barozzi Veiga studio (2008). In 2008, the award also went to Tomasz Konior (Konior Studio) and Robert Konieczny (KWK Promes), while subsequent editions included Beata Goczoł of the Goczołowie Architekci Studio, Barbara Grąbczewska and Oskar Grąbczewski of OVO Grąbczewscy Architekci (2009), Marcin Kościuch and Tomasz Osięgłowski of Ultra Architects (2009), Ewelina Jaskulska of ARTECTONICA (2018), Anna Paszkowska-Grudziąż of 81.WAW.PL (2020) and Maciej Franta, founder of Franta Group (2022).

compiled by:
Ola Kloc

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