

Architecture & education

Learn about contemporary examples of designing learning environments conducive to the acquisition of knowledge. How to design schools to be more welcoming and serve students? Future-oriented learning centers? Good education architecture that influences the learning process.

architecture of educational spaces

At the age of 6-7, children develop the need to learn by doing. This is also the moment to find themselves in a community outside the home focus. Learning habits and social skills are formed. The quality of daycare rooms, preschools, or schools, has a direct impact on learning processes. Whether in the public or private sector, the education system and its functioning reflects the ideals of a given society. The location of departments of colleges, or various types of research centers, often indicates their prestige or lack thereof. The functioning of democratic systems is based on the quality of education of its citizens, so it is not surprising that the quality of teaching and its space, is of great importance for future generations.

school of the future

Today's education system was created during the industrial revolution. The gap between the needs of the labor market and educational offerings is increasingly noticeable. Technology is changing the reality in which we function at an increasing pace. It is predicted that by the end of this century robots will replace 70% of current jobs. Tablets in schools instead of heavy backpacks are the norm in Asian countries, leading the rankings of the best education systems. The classroom needs to change from its previous form. In addition to safety and focus, it is important to ensure mental health and a space conducive to creative thinking. In the learning process, skills based on creativity and critical thinking skills, which cannot be replaced by automation, are beginning to gain importance.

environment conducive to learning

Modern interest in forest schools, or Maria Montessori's pedagogy, which supports individualism and freedom of thought, encouraging self-determination, points the way forward for the classroom. Well-designed teaching interiors can also be followed in Scandinavia. The program of the COBE-designed small-scale, public kindergarten "Children's Village" includes numerous meeting places, the replacement of walls with grids that initiate interaction, or monochromaticity that seems to be waiting to "fill" its space with children's colors and match their needs.

principles of learning space design

Christopher Alexander in  "The Language of Patterns" proposes decentralizing the learning process in favor of a grid of events within the boundaries of the entire city, in the form of various courses, workshops and learning centers. University campuses are an important urban issue here, as they are holistic complexes that also include many supporting functions, such as dormitories, libraries, print outlets, bars etc. Their alienation does not seem to be a good solution for either students or residents. Indeed, the weaving of the university into the urban fabric has great urban-forming potential.

Stone takes the stage - natural stone fair, September 24-27, Verona, Italy