
deadline for submitting works


"Common Space - LAB | 2nd Open Call for a work in space" within the framework of the 8th International Biennale of Interior Architecture.

organizer: Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow - Faculty of Interior Design.

As part of the 8th International Biennale of Interior Architecture, an Open Call is being held for a spatial work, art installation, action in space, performance, video installation. The works selected by the curatorial college will be presented in an exhibition during the Biennale. Proposals can be submitted until March 1 this year.


The goal of Open Call is to select spatial/artistic concepts (video installation) that express an individual approach to design art and bring a new perspective to the idea of Common Space or have the potential to co-create a common exhibition space.

As we read on the biennial organizers' website:

The International Interior Design Biennale is an area of communication—an exchange of knowledge, views and experiences that are seen/experienced/heard, analyzed and remembered. It is a common space (common space) of interior architects, academics, students and representatives of companies in the industry; a metaphorical bridge between the art that is interior design and the people who create it and who experience it.

The 8th edition of the Biennale is the first associated with the new headquarters of the Interior Design Department at 21 Syrokomla St. — a common space shared with the Graphic Design Department, a common space—accessible to all users.

Common space is a shared, collective space, shared by groups, a group or a couple of people. It is used in different ways, depending on the individual abilities, knowledge and current needs of users. It can be a place of meeting, relaxation, recreation, respite, an avenue for maintaining interpersonal contacts, allowing for casual glances and fleeting exchanges of pleasantries, but it can also become a refuge for the loner, a hiding place for the introvert, a haven for the shy observing social life from hiding. So should common space force people to interact with each other, or should it also allow people to experience it alone?

Common space is a common space, universal, accessible to all target users. It does not exclude anyone, does not put up barriers, does not close doors. It benefits everyone by promoting equal and equitable access. It is intuitive to perceive and use, but its experience depends on personal predispositions. Everyone will look at it differently—from a different height, from a different angle—associate it with something different, smell a different scent, hear different sounds, and build it within themselves from a combination of these impressions and images in constant motion. Similarly, each artist understands the concept of universality differently, and is able to achieve it by different means. So can universal space be unique?


The task is to make a spatial work / art installation / action in space / performance / video installation.

The program idea of the 8th International Biennale of Interior Architecture is the starting point for the considerations accompanying the realization of the work in the competition. It is up to the participant to decide whether his/her work will be an interpretation of the slogan Common Space or will be an author's manifesto in the common space (common space) of the gallery in the Malopolska Garden of Art in Krakow.

terms and conditions

Open Call participants may be:

  • adult students of interior design, industrial design, architecture and art faculties studying at public and non-public design and architecture universities in Poland and abroad—individually or in a team, or with a mentor from their home university,
  • graduates of interior design, industrial design, architecture and art faculties studying at public and non-public design and architecture universities in the country and abroad—individually or in a team.

Each participant can submit only one work.

Open Call proceeds in two stages. Stage I is the pre-qualification for the exhibition of the 8th International Biennial of Interior Architecture, Stage II is the final qualification for the exhibition.


  • Stage I submission of reproductions of works or electronic projects: until March 1, 2024,
  • announcement of participants pre-qualified for the exhibition: by March 7, 2024,
  • Stage II submission of pre-qualified works and final qualification: by March 30, 2024,
  • announcement of participants participating in the exhibition: by April 5, 2024.

Contact email

curatorial college

The Curatorial College will be composed of the Curators of the 8th International Biennial of Interior Architecture and authoritative personalities from academia representing the fields of art and design. The composition of the Curatorial College will be officially announced by January 31, 2024 on the competition website.

The Curatorial College, when evaluating works / projects, will pay special attention to:

  • realization of the program idea of the 8th International Biennale of Interior Architecture,
  • the possibility of realization and exhibition of the project,
  • aesthetics,
  • originality,
  • artistic and individual level of project presentation.

more information

Regulations with detailed guidelines for Open Call and rules for submitting entries are available on the competition website.

