Special Award of the Foundation for the Development of the City of Poznań — Ireneusz Pachlinski

Special Award of the Foundation for the Development of the City of Poznań

Special Award of the Foundation for the Development of the City of Poznań
Waldemar Idzikowski Money Award

Ireneusz Pachliński


"RZEŹBYKON — Portrait Sculpture in the Context of Unconventional Decisions".

dr. hab. Igor Mikoda, prof. UAP

author's description

The work consists of ten plaster sculptural portraits situated on the plan of a twenty-sided, purpose-built space constructed of wooden panels. The practical work addresses the issue of the cultural contexts of contemporary portrait sculpture, which, together with a "borrowed", appropriately reevaluated object (photoplastic), create a new „object” containing a combination of traditional and contemporary artistic solutions. The practical work emphasizes the author's perspective on the genre of portrait sculpture.

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