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Hits and kits, or a summary of the year 2021 in architecture (part VI)

10 of January '22

The end of December - because that's when we finished preparing the January issue - is the best time for all kinds of summaries. And like every year, we ask practitioners and architecture critics to write what they consider a success and what they consider a failure in a given year. We do this in the convention of Kits and Hits. We give our Authors and Authors total freedom of expression and exceptionally we do not moderate this discussion. We are simply very curious about it.

Marek Kaszynski on hits and kits in 2021
FromA&B issue 01|2022

krakow point of view

Hit architecture. Educational pavilion "Stone" and glade in Golędzinow - realization of the Cracow eM4. Architecture Studio. Brataniec - is one of the most awarded realizations in Poland, it received, among others: Architectural Award of the President of the City of Warsaw, Award of the Association of Concrete Goods Producers, Architectural Award of "Polityka", nominations for the SARP Year Award and Mies van der Rohe Award.

Hit event. The International Architecture Biennale Krakow 2021 as an event in the organization of which the City of Krakow (host of the Biennale) and all circles of the architectural community were involved in solidarity: associational - the Association of Polish Architects (organizer), local government - the Malopolska Regional Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland (partner), scientific - the Faculty of Architecture of the Krakow University of Technology (partner), and media - the magazine "Architektura i Biznes" (partner).

Multifaceted Kit. Invariably for several years, the grand prix for the reconstruction of railroad overpasses in Krakow, which can be nominated in the categories of kits: urban planning, architecture, landscape architecture, conservation.

Marek Kaszyński

The vote has already been cast