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P. Homes
P.HOMES is about people. A brand created out of passion for new technologies in construction. For many years we gained experience on the largest and most difficult construction sites in Poland and Europe. Together we have built one of the most important construction companies in our country.
P.HOMES is part of the Pekabex Group - a leader in implementing modern, innovative solutions in the construction sector.
We gained our experience by building beautiful and exquisitely designed houses in the difficult Scandinavian climate. Now we are doing it in our home country.
We have 5 modern branches throughout Poland - in Poznań, Gdańsk, Mszczonów near Warsaw and Bielsko-Biała. The company's headquarters is in Poznan, but P.HOMES technology is available in all areas of our country.
With a new approach to technology, we bring to the market new quality and the right approach to single-family construction.
Our houses are prepared in accordance with the energy-saving requirements effective from 2021.