Długie Ogrody w Gdańsku

Long Gardens in Gdansk

Dominik Paszlinski/www.gdansk.pl

Gdansk wants to transform another piece of the city center. The city has announced an implementation competition to develop a concept for the development of Dlugie Ogrody Street, which is an extension of the Royal Route. Currently, this section of the city has questionable aesthetics and is dominated by cars. [...]

Gdansk wants to transform another piece of the city center. The city has announced an implementation competition to develop a concept for the development of Dlugie [...]

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Wizualizacja studia nagraniowego Music Hub w Arabii Saudyjskiej

Visualization of the Music Hub recording studio in Saudi Arabia.

Secondary Bounce| © Mesura

Al-Ula in Saudi Arabia is a site that plays a key role in the country's grand cultural aspirations. The city will be home to the Arabian Peninsula's first new branch of Centre Pompidou. The strategy for the region's cultural development doesn't stop there: the next step is the realization of the Music Hub recording studio designed by Spanish studio Mesura. [...]

Al-Ula in Saudi Arabia is a site that plays a key role in the country's grand cultural aspirations. The city will be home to the Arabian Peninsula's first new branch of [...]

Tutorkami podczas OSSY będą architektki Aleksandra Gryc i Zuzanna Kasperczyk-Brodecka

Tutors during OSSY will be architects Aleksandra Gryc and Zuzanna Kasperczyk-Brodecka

© organizers archive

We are in the middle of summer. It's a good time to slow down, relax, take care of your body and mind. Some of us are just returning from vacation, some are eagerly awaiting the longed-for vacation. This year, participants and attendees of the National Meeting of Architecture Students will embark on a unique summer camp, it will last from August 24 to September 1. OSSA 2024 under the theme Sanatorium will be held in Podkarpacie, more precisely in Iwonicz-Zdrój, one of the oldest Polish spas. [...]

We are in the middle of summer. It's a good time to slow down, relax, take care of your body and mind. Some of us are just returning from vacation, some are eagerly [...]

"Record of Waiting" at the London Design Biennale 2025!

Settlement of the competition announced by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute

Przemysław Ciępka, 26 of July '24
Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu na projekt wystawy w Pawilonie Polskim podczas London Design Biennale 2025

The competition for the design of the exhibition in the Polish Pavilion during the London Design Biennale 2025 has been resolved

© Adam Mickiewicz Institute

The competition for the design of the exhibition in the Polish Pavilion, which will be presented at the fifth edition of the London Design Biennale in 2025, has been resolved! The winning concept titled "Record of Waiting" was designed by Jakub Gawkowski, Monika Rosińska and Maciej Siuda. [...]

The competition for the design of the exhibition in the Polish Pavilion, which will be presented at the fifth edition of the London Design Biennale in 2025, has been [...]

Student town - a monument. Poznan's social realism will be saved?

Have conservationists saved the unique complex?

Jakub Głaz, 26 of July '24
zespół domów studenckich przy ul. Dożynkowej w Poznaniu, widok jednego z dwóch dziedzińców kampusu; po lewej wyburzany blok A, na wprost DS „Dewizka”, po prawej — DS „Babilon”

The complex of student houses on Dożynkowa Street in Poznań, a view of one of the two courtyards of the campus; on the left, demolished block A, opposite DS "Dewizka", on the right - DS "Babilon"

Photo: Jakub Głaz

The pressure makes sense. A complex of academic buildings dating back to the 1950s has been entered in the register of monuments. This will prevent the demolition of the buildings in Poznan's Winogrady district, which began in January. Both the buildings and the urban layout are protected. Why at the last minute? [...]

The pressure makes sense. A complex of academic buildings dating back to the 1950s has been entered in the register of monuments. This will prevent the demolition of the [...]

Piąta edycja międzynarodowego konkursu Global Creative Graduate Showcase 2024

Fifth edition of the international competition Global Creative Graduate Showcase 2024

© Arts Thread

Global Creative Graduate Showcase 2024 is a competition that this year celebrates its fifth anniversary edition. It is an opportunity for graduate students in art and design around the world to showcase their best work and gain recognition in the international creative community. [...]

Global Creative Graduate Showcase 2024 is a competition that this year celebrates its fifth anniversary edition. It is an opportunity for graduate students in art and [...]

Wieżowiec złożony z CLT (cross-laminated timber)

Skyscraper composed of CLT (cross-laminated timber)

© The Urban Woods

The combination of the words "Europallet" and "apartment" usually brings to mind furniture constructed in the spirit of DIY or moving logistics. The Dutch construction industry has a chance to change that with Urban Climate Architects and developer The Urban Woods, who will develop a 10-story high-rise with 102 apartments inside in Delphi. Interested parties must subscribe to rent, which the developer says is "rent 2.0." [...]

The combination of the words "Europallet" and "apartment" usually brings to mind furniture constructed in the spirit of DIY or moving logistics. The Dutch construction [...]

How short-term interventions are transforming cities

Magdalena Milert, 25 of July '24
Jak krótkoterminowe interwencje przekształcają miasta?

Jak krótkoterminowe interwencje przekształcają miasta?

© Magdalena Milert

Tactical urbanism involves making low-cost, temporary changes to urban spaces that quickly and effectively improve the quality of life in cities. These short-term interventions engage the community, allow larger projects to be tested and often lead to long-term changes. [...]

Tactical urbanism involves making low-cost, temporary changes to urban spaces that quickly and effectively improve the quality of life in cities. These short-term [...]

Hotel Mercure Szczyrk Resort - Titanic in Beskid

ARC Studio

Przemysław Ciępka, 25 of July '24
Mercure Szczyrk Resort – Titanic w Beskidzie

Mercure Szczyrk Resort - Titanic in Beskid

Press Materials © Mercure Szczyrk Resort

The Mercure Szczyrk Resort hotel has landed in Szczyrk, Silesia province. The lump, impressive in size, may compete with its dimensions and architectural form with the equally "spectacular" Golebiewski Hotel in Pobierowo. [...]

The Mercure Szczyrk Resort hotel has landed in Szczyrk, Silesia province. The lump, impressive in size, may compete with its dimensions and architectural form with the [...]

International competition for library design


Aleksandra Skorupa, 25 of July '24
Międzynarodowy konkurs na projekt biblioteki

International competition for library design

© Archiol Competitions

The goal of the international competition is to design a modern rural library that will become a cultural and educational center to meet the needs of local communities. [...]

The goal of the international competition is to design a modern rural library that will become a cultural and educational center to meet the needs of local communities. [...]

Wojciech Bielecki, prezes SARP Oddział Lublin

Wojciech Bielecki, president of SARP Lublin Branch

© SARP Lublin Branch

In recent months, local SARP branches held elections for the new authorities for the 2024–2028 term. We introduce the plans of the newly elected presidents of the Association, and those who were re-elected — we ask them to summarize the past years. We also ask them about the biggest challenges that architects are currently facing. Today Wojciech Bielecki, president of SARP Lublin Branch, answered our questions. [...]

In recent months, local SARP branches held elections for the new authorities for the 2024–2028 term. We introduce the plans of the newly elected presidents of the [...]

New development on Mickiewicza Avenue in Lodz - a skyscraper in three pieces

Design Lab Group: Maciej Taczalski, Karolina Taczalska, Mateusz Cyganek, Artur Piórek, Marta Golec, Daria Bartosik

Przemysław Ciępka, 24 of July '24
Wieżowiec przy alei Mickiewicza 15 w Łodzi

Skyscraper at 15 Mickiewicza Avenue in Lodz.

© Design Lab Studio | A&A

So far, the title of the tallest residential building in Lodz has belonged ex aequo to two high-rise buildings that are part of the Downtown Residential District, a modernist complex completed in 1982. Located at 182 Piotrkowska Street and 7 Pilsudskiego Street, the skyscrapers rise to a height of 78 meters. In the coming years, the high-rise duo will be joined by a new residential building, located at 15 Mickiewicza Avenue. The Design Lab Group studio from Lodz is responsible for its design. [...]

So far, the title of the tallest residential building in Lodz has belonged ex aequo to two high-rise buildings that are part of the Downtown Residential District, a [...]

Posters at vacationers. Tourist savoir-vivre in the city space

"Street culture after Gdansk" campaign.

Ewa Karendys, 24 of July '24
Kampania „Kultura uliczna po Gdańsku” skierowana jest do turystów

The campaign "Street culture after Gdansk" is aimed at tourists

© Pixaby.com

Mass tourism is taking its toll - not only in the attractive regions of Southern Europe that attract vacationers like a magnet, but increasingly in our country as well. Gdansk is another city that will instruct tourists in public spaces on how they should behave so as not to get under the skin of the locals. [...]

Mass tourism is taking its toll - not only in the attractive regions of Southern Europe that attract vacationers like a magnet, but increasingly in our country as well. [...]

Weekend Architektury w Gdyni

Weekend of Architecture in Gdynia

© organizers archive

For the 14th time Gdynia will turn into the capital of architecture, thanks to a unique event that for years has been drawing architecture lovers to the Polish seaside on the last weekend of August. What awaits us this year? [...]

For the 14th time Gdynia will turn into the capital of architecture, thanks to a unique event that for years has been drawing architecture lovers to the Polish seaside [...]

The 14th edition of the photo contest "Gdynia Modernism in Lens"


Ola Kloc, 24 of July '24
I Nagroda w 13. edycji konkursu fotograficznego „Gdyński Modernizm w Obiektywie”, fot.: Joanna Chmielewska

First Prize in the 13th edition of the photo contest "Gdynia Modernism in Lens", photo: Joanna Chmielewska

© Joanna Chmielewska | Photo courtesy of contest organizers

The 14th edition of the photo contest "Gdynia Modernism in Lens" organized by the Gdynia Development Agency is underway. The purpose of the competition is to promote the aesthetic, architectural and historical qualities of the city. [...]

The 14th edition of the photo contest "Gdynia Modernism in Lens" organized by the Gdynia Development Agency is underway. The purpose of the competition is to promote the [...]

"Free Bogdanka" - student architectural competition for the concept of Golęcin development

Poznan's green and blue infrastructure system

Aleksandra Skorupa, 24 of July '24
„Uwolnić Bogdankę” – studencki konkurs architektoniczny na koncepcję zagospodarowania Golęcina

"Free Bogdanka" - student architectural competition for the concept of Golęcin development

© Sophia Napiątek and Viktoria Baginskaya

As part of the nationwide student architectural study and concept competition "Uwolnić Bogdanka", organized by the Poznań International Fair, the Association of Polish Architects Poznań Branch and the Wielkopolska District Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland, students from all over the country had the opportunity to present their ideas for the restoration of the Bogdanka River. The slogan of the competition perfectly reflected the goal of the project - to uncover and "free" the [...]

As part of the nationwide student architectural study and concept competition "Uwolnić Bogdanka", organized by the Poznań International Fair, the Association of Polish [...]

Rynek w Margoninie

Market in Margonin

© competition organizers archive

The municipality of Margonin has announced a study competition for a project to modernize Margonin's market square. The residents of the municipality will be invited to join the competition jury. [...]

The municipality of Margonin has announced a study competition for a project to modernize Margonin's market square. The residents of the municipality will be invited to [...]

New seat of the Faculty of Arts of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce

Dresler Architects: Grzegorz Dresler

Przemysław Ciępka, 23 of July '24
Nowa siedziba Wydziału Sztuki Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach

New seat of the Faculty of Arts of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce

© Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce | Dresler Studio

The Faculty of Arts at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce will get a new building. Established in 2019, the unit, which brings together both visual arts and music teaching, has so far functioned in several buildings scattered around the city. This is set to change in the coming years with a new facility designed by Krakow-based Dresler [...]

The Faculty of Arts at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce will get a new building. Established in 2019, the unit, which brings together both visual arts and music [...]

Wizualizacja fasady. Ingerencja w jej wygląd będzie minimalna

Visualization of the facade. Interference with its appearance will be minimal

© Moreau Kusunoki and Frida Escobedo Studio

The closure of Centre Pompidou to the public was announced more than a year ago. The reason for the museum's scheduled five-year hiatus from 2025 is the need for a major renovation of the postmodern icon. In a building designed in the high-tech trend, paradoxically, the technology exposed on the façade, which had been severely corroded since 1977, began to fail. Recently, the authors of the winning project announced details of the renovation [...]

The closure of Centre Pompidou to the public was announced more than a year ago. The reason for the museum's scheduled five-year hiatus from 2025 is the need for a major [...]

Senior architecture. Student concept by Aleksandra Wisniewska.

Diploma project from the Academy of Fine Arts from Wroclaw, Poland

Aleksandra Skorupa, 23 of July '24
Architektura senioralna. Studencka koncepcja Aleksandry Wiśniewskiej

Senior architecture. Student concept by Aleksandra Wisniewska.

© Aleksandra Wisniewska

In the face of the growing needs of an aging society, the design of a day care home by Aleksandra Wisniewska, a student at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw, is an important step toward innovative solutions in the field of senior care architecture. The thesis, prepared under the guidance of Dr. Aleksandra Przybyla, not only shows sensitivity to the needs of the elderly, but also introduces modern concepts of sustainability and neuroarchitecture. [...]

In the face of the growing needs of an aging society, the design of a day care home by Aleksandra Wisniewska, a student at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in [...]

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Architecture is the art of designing and building spatial forms and shaping the space between them. According to Vitruvius, author of the treatise "On Architecture of Books Ten," the basic principles of designing and constructing buildings are durability, utility and beauty.

Architecture provides a framework for living, working, learning and entertaining. The history of architecture is also the history of human civilization. It has shaped and changed over the centuries in accordance with the needs, current trends and available technological solutions. To this day, we can marvel at the elements of architecture of ancient cultures, admire the dominant styles in different centuries and see the diversity in architecture in different parts of the world.

architecture and business - portal of the architect, designer and architecture student

On the web portal Architecture and Business you will find daily news from the world of contemporary architecture. We present concepts and realizations of both public and office buildings, urban assumptions, revitalization and accompanying us every day - residential architecture, from modern single-family houses through examples of multi-family buildings to alternative forms of housing. We present modern projects, the latest realizations of Polish architects, write about the results of architectural competitions, promote important events, inform about innovative technologies and create a library of BIM files. You will find podcasts here, in which students talk about their experiences at foreign universities, job offers for architects and internship proposals for design students. You will read articles about current problems of Polish cities, interviews with architects, including Robert Konieczny, Szczepan Wronski and Krzysztof Ingarden, columns and author series by our authors.