Julia Ciężar

I am a 3rd year Architecture student at PW. I can honestly say that since then architecture has become my interest. I feel most comfortable working with my hands in my projects. I prefer to explore any ideas using physical mock-ups. They allow me to feel the design in a three-dimensional context, not just on a screen. During my competition work on the design of the modular house, I also dealt with the development of ideas in this way.

Thanks to my interest in architecture during the past years, I was able to experience much more than pure technical skills. I realized that designing buildings is designing human life. Architecture brings together a myriad of different disciplines that affect our well-being. The key to success is the ability to notice all aspects and then solve them in a rational way. As an architect, I would like to become a person who knows how to cope with such challenges.

Architektura & Biznes – articles