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Mateusz Furczoń
My name is Mateusz Furczoń. I come from Gliczarowo Dolne. I am a graduate of the Dr. Władysław Matlakowski Construction School Complex in Zakopane with a profile of Construction Technician and a graduate of the Podhalańska State Vocational University in Nowy Targ with a major in Architecture. In March 2022 I defended my engineering thesis "Design of the Contemplative Center with a Chapel in Gliczarow Górny", made under the direction of Professor Marek Kowicki.
I am a committed architect, perfectly capable of working independently and in a team. I contribute both socially and culturally. I am passionate about the regional architecture of Podhale. In my work I combine traditional architecture with modernity and the use of innovative architectural and construction solutions.
I am guided by the principle that creating architecture is not only a job, but first of all a passion, learning and pleasure.