Piotr Rajewski

Piotr Rajewski - graduated with a bachelor's degree from Zachodniopomorski Uniwerystet Technolochnologinczym in Szczecin. He is currently continuing his education at this university on a master's degree program. Member of the Szczecin branch of SARP. Volunteer of the Szczecin "Westival of Architecture and Art". Winner of the ,,Student Award '' in cooperation with Kinga Gawlik, in the international competition ,,ABU DHABI FLAMINGO VISITOR CENTER 2020''. He also received an honorable mention in the international competition , "FLORENCECALL" for the design of the Museum of Arts and Crafts (MAMe) in Florence (team: Stanislaw Czujkowski, PKinga Gawlik, Korneliusz Wielechowski; under the direction of Dr. Krzysztof Bizio) 2nd place in the national competition , "Nowa Masztalarska - reconstruction of the seat of Estrada Poznańska" in the team of MXL4 architectural office in Szczecin.

Architektura & Biznes – articles