Zofia Napiontek

Born in Poznań. She graduated from the III High School in Poznan with a degree in mathematics and physics. She began her architectural journey at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznan. Thanks to the Erasmus+ program, she also had the opportunity to experience academic life at Universidade Portucalense in Porto during her first degree. She defended her engineering diploma - Design of a railroad station in Jurata, focusing on the topic of passive construction. A semester abroad prompted her to go to Porto again after defending her diploma in 2023, this time as part of a graduate internship.

Currently, she is a second-year architecture student - she is continuing her studies at UAP. In addition to her professional passion, she has always been drawn to different forms of creativity. Painting and photography have become her way of developing her creativity and sense of aesthetics. However, she gives her heart every day to dance, which strongly defines her open and energetic personality.

Architektura & Biznes – articles