

fot.: Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST Studio


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fot.: Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST Studio

Malgorzata TOMCZAK


We open the new year with an issue dedicated to education. We take a look at both buildings for the youngest, as well as realizations where students gain their profession and learn the trade. We look mainly at Polish architecture, which from year to year delights with successive, very successful realizations.

Education is a very important topic in architecture. Scandinavian countries delight us with their beautiful architectural landscape mainly because there education in this field takes place from an early age, and architecture is given a lot of space in the daily press. Hence the sensitivity of the Scandinavians to the quality of the material, the detail, the proper insertion of the realization into the context. Polish children so far learn practically nothing about architecture - neither at school nor outside it. There are, admittedly, pilot programs in cultural institutions, but they are only available in large cities. That's why learning through imbibing quality space and functional interiors from a young age is so important in this case.

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