WXCA Editorial. Tracks


WXCA Editorial. Tracks

na okładce:

Malgorzata TOMCZAK

Editing: WXCA

The issue is edited by the WXCA studio. The subject is Traces.

This is definitely their time, a young Warsaw studio that, with several other offices that I won't mention here, because it's finally theirs - WXCA's number - that sets a new quality in the space of our cities.

They have been operating for a rather short time for an architectural studio, where the portfolio and investors' trust is built up over long years, but they have a lot of successes and wins in architectural competitions. When asked about the recipe for success, they answer that architecture is done with the heart, and even though I am skeptical of such declarations, because we all know how difficult this profession is and how it is rather easy to lose heart to it by constantly struggling with the matter, regulations and the so-called professional reality, I believe them.

What also sets them apart is that they treat architecture as a challenge. They negotiate space, solve problems and nurture relationships - both within the team and with external partners. This makes me optimistic that the era of old-architects is really coming to an end, that there are fewer and fewer people willing to enter competitions for the most iconic building. Especially since in Poland just a decade, two or three ago these competitions sometimes took on a rather "local" color.

WXCA's strategy is a calm, cubic and interestingly detailed architecture, which primarily tries to accurately answer the question posed about function, organization of space, context. It lacks the famous architectural ego. And that's a good thing. After all, the point is to make our cities welcoming spaces, not an exhibition of icons "to be admired."

Table of contents


shortboard [14]

latest news, events, parties

Opening scripts [16]

Interview with Katarzyna Roj and Paul Buck
interviewed by Joanna KOBYŁT

Uncompromising storytelling [22]

Interview with Boris Kudlička
interviewed by: Alicja GZOWSKA

Think globally, act locally [28]

Interview with Dietmar Eberle
interviewed by: Justyna BUDUCH

Architecture and film [34]

"Parasite" - architecture as a source of suffering

Regional beer brewery project in Laziska village [40]

"A&B Academy" 2020 competition
Paulina PERNAK

ReCity [42]

Competition "A&B Academy" 2020

newsboard [44-55]

Books, patronage, invitations, company news

Personal Prague [44]

Review of the book by Mariusz Szczygiel entitled. "A Personal Guide to Prague"

"A personal guide to Prague" [48].

Excerpt from Mariusz Szczygiel's book

  • Otwierające scenariusze [16] Rozmowa z Katarzyną Roj i Pawłem Buckiem rozmawiała: Joanna KOBYŁT
  • Bezkompromisowy storytelling [22] Rozmowa z Borisem Kudličką rozmawiała: Alicja Gzowska
  • Myśl globalnie, działaj lokalnie [28] Rozmowa z Dietmarem Eberle rozmawiała: Justyna BODUCH
  • Architektura i film [34] „Parasite” — architektura jako źródło cierpień Tomasz MALKOWSKI
  • ReCity [42] Konkurs „Akademia A&B” 2020 Kinga BUTLEWSKA
  • „Osobisty przewodnik po Pradze” [48] Fragment książki Mariusza Szczygła

issue's theme

moodboard [62

edited by WXCA

Local [90]

The Enterprise Center,
proj.: Architype (Ben Humphries, Christian Dimbleby, Gareth Selby, James Todd)
Katarzyna MIKULSKA

Co-op [102]

R50 - cohousing,
proj.: ifau & Jesko Fezer | Heide & von Beckerath (Verena von Beckerath, Tim Heide, Christoph Heinemann, Susanne Heiß, Christoph Schmidt, Jesko Fezer)

Architecture 2226 [114]

Buildings according to concept 2226,
proj.: Baumschlager Eberle Architekten
Yasemin Yalcin-Chauca is interviewed by Katarzyna JAGODZIŃSKA

Thinking with context is as natural as breathing [124]

Marta Sękulska-Wronska and Szczepan Wronski are interviewed by Malgorzata TOMCZAK

  • Moodboard
  • Lokalnie [90] Katarzyna MIKULSKA The Enterprise Centre
  • Kooperatywa Marta KULAWIK R50 — cohousing
  • Architektura 2226 Z Yasemin Yalcin-Chauca rozmawia Katarzyna JAGODZIŃSKA
  • Myślenie kontekstem jest naturalne jak oddychanie Z Martą Sękulską-Wrońską i Szczepanem Wrońskim rozmawia Małgorzata TOMCZAK

Preview of the issue