


Malgorzata TOMCZAK


The discussion about architectural competitions is not waning. There is debate about what formula to hold them so that the result meets the expectations of the ordering party and the public, how much to open them to young offices, what to improve in the procedure itself so that they are more popular among investors and architects themselves.

In January 2021, the new Public Procurement Law comes into force, with an interpretation of which we begin this issue. It brings hope for the mandatory use of competitions to a much greater extent than before. This is a good thing, because we all agree that an architectural competition is the best way to decide the shape and quality of public space. This is an important issue, not least in the context of the discussion that swept through Krakow's media this summer about the Wislawa Szymborska park to be built in the city center. Unfortunately, for this important investment, the investor, i.e. the city authorities, announced a tender (sic!). Thus, we lost the chance to learn valuable concepts that could define this space.

Let's work on the formula of architectural competitions, let's look for the best solutions - here SARP still has an important role to play. Let the quality and appearance of our cities and immediate surroundings be chosen by a trusted group of specialists in a procedure that creates the best conditions for the best concept to emerge.

Let's build the future of our cities on the basis of the most democratic of all possible procedures - and such is provided by a competition, not by tenders, where the most important criterion is the lowest price.

Table of contents


Give life to the factory [16].

Factory Full of Life

How to survive on planet Earth? [20]

This year's online edition of the Gdynia Design Days festival

Beauty found in structure [26]

Interview with Julia Heuer
interviewed: Dominika DROZDOWSKA

About architects, architects and architecture [32].

Interview with Carmen Espegel
interviewed by: Adrian KRÊŻLIK

Robert Moses. The hidden ruler of New York [38]

Excerpt from a comic book by Pierre Christin and Olivier Balez

Space Station "Lem" [42].

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE"

newsboard [44-47]

books, patronages, invitations, company news

  • Dać życie fabryce [16] Fabryka Pełna Å»ycia
  • Jak przeżyć na planecie Ziemia? [20] Gdynia Design Days
  • Piękno odnalezione w strukturze [26] Rozmowa z Julią Heuer
  • O architektkach, architektach i architekturze [32] Rozmowa z Carmen Espegel
  • Robert Moses. Ukryty władca Nowego Jorku [38] Pierre Christin, Olivier Balez
  • Stacja Kosmiczna „Lem” [42] Konkurs „Najlepszy Dyplom ARCHITEKTURA”

issue theme

moodboard [50]

#opinions and diagnoses

Design Krakow by tender [110]


Competition the best way to a new quality of space in the city [124]

Bohdan (Bis) Lisowski is interviewed by Katarzyna JAGODZIÑSKA

To rebuild the ethos of the competition [130].

With Jerzy Szczepanik-Dzikowski talks with Alicja GZOWSKA

Quality, not quality [134]

Competitions in the Tri-City

A prosperous five years [140]

Architectural competitions in Poznan
Jakub GŁAZ

  • Moodboard
  • Zaprojektować Kraków przetargiem [110] Katarzyna JAGODZIŃSKA
  • Konkurs najlepszą drogą do nowej jakości przestrzeni w mieście [124] Z Bohdanem (Bisiem) Lisowskim rozmawia Katarzyna JAGODZIŃSKA
  • Odbudować etos konkursu [130] Z Jerzym Szczepanikiem-Dzikowskim rozmawia Alicja GZOWSKA
  • Jakoś, a nie jakość [134] Konkursy w Trójmieście

Preview of the issue