Architecture and politics - how much does an architect earn in Poland?


Architecture and politics - how much does an architect earn in Poland?

na okładce:

Malgorzata TOMCZAK

Architecture and politics
- how much does an architect earn in Poland?

The July-August holiday issue is two-themed.

Thefirst theme, a cover story, is wrapped around a study we conducted to illustrate how much an architect/architect earns per square meter of a residential, single-family home and office building in relation to real estate market prices, taking into account the CSO's cost of each construction sector incurred by the builder.

The second topic is the impact of politics on architecture. Politics, as we know, has a large and real impact on the shape and development of urban spaces, filling them as much as possible with another layer of content resulting from the doctrines, ideas and worldviews of the time.

Deyan Sudjic, author of the famous book "The Building Complex. The Architecture of Power," published in Poland by the Center for Architecture in 2015 in a conversation conducted by Agnieszka Rasmus-Zgorzelska, argues that the changes that have taken place in London in recent years are the result of such an approach. "Architecture has a magnetic effect on the most egocentric individuals, eager to use it for their glory - millionaires sitting on museum boards, skyscraper builders and mansion owners. But it can just as well be used by reform-minded mayors who want to improve cities. In the end, it turns out that - regardless of the designers' intentions - their work is defined not by their language, but by the motives for which the rich and powerful hire architects to try to influence the shape of the world." - reads the book's conclusion.

Starting with this issue and continuing through the next few, we will be examining the housing specs law in great detail - its flaws, advantages and implementation process. After the first wave of criticism, there are more and more voices saying that the housing speculative law (a.k.a. lex developer), properly processed, can be a good planning instrument that will benefit the city and its residents. Whether this will be the case, time will tell.

Through the voice of Agata Twardoch, we also comment on the housing policy enshrined in the Polish Deal, a political program announced on May 15 this year.

Table of contents


FOPA Postscript [18].

Final of the spring edition of FOPA 2021

FUTUWAWA. Laboratory for inhabiting the future [24]

Report from the 5th edition of the competition

"Loop" at SIC! BWA Wrocław gallery [30].

Report from the exhibition on Kosciuszko Residential District in Wroclaw

Better in Lodz [38]

15th edition of Łódź Design Festival

The search for efficiency in beauty [46]

Interview with Fran SILVESTRE
interviewed by: Justyna BODUCH, Wojciech FUDALA

Long live the ball of architects! [52]

Interview with Dominika JANICKA, Barbara NAWROCK and Dominika WILCZYŃSKA
interviewed by: Łukasz HARAT

Educational Zero Waste Center. Architectural Manifesto [54]

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE"
Katarzyna KOSCH

Academic biotechnology innovation forum [56]

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE"

Space of modern games - design of e-sports arena [58]

Competition "Best Diploma in INTERIOR DESIGN"

Viewing terrace in Golub in Kashubia [60]

Competition "The Best Diploma of Interior Design"
Justyna KOLKA

newsboard [62-69]

books, patronages, invitations, company news

Non-ideal. A story about Bohdan Pniewski [62].

Review of the book by Grzegorz Piątek "Indestructible. Bohdan Pniewski, Architect of Salon and Power".

  • v
  • Relacja z V edycji konkursu FUTUWAWA
  • Relacja z wystawy o Kościuszkowskiej Dzielnicy Mieszkaniowej we Wrocławiu
  • 15. edycja Łódź Design Festival
  • Rozmowa z Franem SILVESTRE
  • Recenzja książki Grzegorza Piątka „Niezniszczalny. Bohdan Pniewski, architekt salonu i władzy”

e-publication supplement

AURORA - Sky observation in northern Norway [e02].

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE"

Museum of Sailing in Gdynia [e06].

Competition "Best Diploma in ARCHITECTURE".

Passages of inner harmony. Active Palm House [e10]

Competition "Best Diploma in INTERIOR DESIGN"

Ways of presenting mental disorders for cognitive purposes [e14].

Competition "Best Interior Design Diploma"

  • AURORA – Obserwacja nieba w północnej Norwegii – Mateusz WOJTANEK
  • Muzeum Å»eglarstwa w Gdyni - Agata MORAWCZYŃSKA
  • Pasaże harmonii wewnętrznej. Palmiarnia aktywna - Paulina PASZTALNIEC
  • Sposoby prezentacji zaburzeń umysłowych w celach poznawczych - Igor TUMANIS

issue topic

moodboard [78]

# how much does an architect earn?
# how much should an architect earn?
# survey on randomly selected studios
# real estate prices per square meter

Not so lex developer scary? [120]


Tools of operational urban planning

with Wojciech KOTECKI and Jakub HECIAKI talks to Edyta SKIBA

Polish Order [132]


Cities without sense [138]

with Deyan DUDJIC is interviewed by Agnieszka RASMUS-ZGORZELSKA

Great politics [148]


Cerebellum in Polish [150].

Jakub GŁAZ

  • ile zarabia architekt? ile powinien zarabiać architekt? ceny nieruchomości za metr kwadratowy
  • Nie taki lex deweloper straszny? Z Wojciechem KOTECKIM oraz Jakubem HECIAKIEM rozmawia Edyta SKIBA
  • Polski Ład - Agata TWARDOCH
  • Miasta bez sensu - z Deyanem DUDJICEM rozmawia Agnieszka RASMUS-ZGORZELSKA
  • Jakub Szczęsny: Wielka polityka
  • Jakub Głaz: Móżdżek po polsku

Number preview