First Prize — Hubert Natorff, Nina Tomczak (Warsaw University of Technology)

First Prize

I Prize

PLN 10,000


Hubert Natorff, Nina Tomczak

(Warsaw University of Technology)

Justification of the jury

In favor of the work speaks the innovative approach to the design task and accurate identification of the needs of modern seniors. Activation of seniors is understood here more broadly than just creating a space for spending time together. The exchange of announcements on the bulletin board is intended to provide opportunities for networking and community building.

The work was recognized for consistently developing the concept, analyzing the contemporary conditions of the information exchange point and creating a form that solves the identified problems, such as the need for data protection.

An important aspect for the evaluation was the inclusion of the facility in the context of a small town or village. The authors of the project aptly analyzed the functioning of smaller towns and located their project next to a local grocery store, which is a focal point for residents.

The jury noted the conscious approach to the material used - both in formal and visual aspects. The design of the board is feasible and easy to disassemble and use its elements again. Its simple construction and exposure of the natural qualities of wood were appreciated.

The jury also appreciated the aesthetic and consistent presentation of the project idea on the competition board. The jury's suggestion was to design seats in the vicinity of the board, which would allow one to stay by it for a longer period of time.

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