Distinction — Garden and Pleasure



PLN 2,500 gross

Design Team

Garden and Pleasure

Justification of the chapter

Providing an attractive functional program, enabling the integration of playground users by providing thematically diverse functional zones, such as:

  • an activity and recreation zone equipped with a multi-sensory play set enabling a dynamic form of play, ensuring safe independent movement of a stroller on gently sloping ramps with hiding places arranged nearby and other attractions, and

  • an exceptionally original and diverse sensory zone- divided into: olfactory zone, tactile zone, balance zone, sound or taste zone. Which is particularly important in terms of fun and integration of visually impaired people, but also provides an attraction for other users of the playground.

The various zones have been designed with younger children, older children and seniors in mind. Access to each zone has been ensured through a clear communication layout, appropriate selection of natural and stable paving, ensuring free movement between zones for children in wheelchairs, the elderly and other users.

The idea of a "play landscape" described in the project and the idea of learning through play based on the philosophy of Maria Montessori in the spirit of learning, experiencing and building relationships with nature, other user groups and oneself in an individual way deserve special mention.

The jury particularly appreciated the balance between the use of equipment eagerly used and expected by children in neighborhood playgrounds, such as swings, slides, sandboxes, and innovative elements: sensory-horticultural and nature-based designed for everyone - stimulating creativity, inspiring creative - joint - play and learning.

Noteworthy is the subdued, soothing, natural color scheme inscribed in the spatial layout of the Korczak estate and the clear layout of the Playground.

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