Special Mention in the "Master's Degrees" category. — Maja Matuszewska

Special Mention in the "Master's Degrees" category.

Special mention in the category "Master's diplomas"

Maja Matuszewska

Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology

thesis topic
Integration of port areas with the spatial structure of the city - Concept for the restructuring of the port area in Ustka

dr hab. Małgorzata Mirecka


The thesis deals with a very important topic of changes that are taking place in port cities. The diploma project of Ms. Maj Matuszewska shows that restoring degraded port areas to the city is a multidimensional task of local (urban) range, but also considered on a regional scale: spatial and cultural heritage, natural, hydrological, climatic as well as social and economic conditions stand at the basis of the urban planning strategy proposed by the graduate. The author based her project on the goals of sustainable development and modern urban planning ideas: a reslient, compact, green and intelligent city.

The work proves the possibility of coherent integration of post-industrial spaces into the urban fabric, introducing, as the author writes, a new quality of the residential environment, which will benefit the residents (...) and the surrounding towns.

The project involves the creation of a city based on a circular economy, decarbonization (betting on RES and their diversification, numerous heat recovery systems, ecological transportation, etc.), protection of the natural environment and numerous adaptations to climate change with the use of green and blue infrastructure to protect against, among other things, rising waters in the seas, opening the city towards the Slupia River, integrating greenery with architecture. Historical and historic values linked to the protection and development of cultural heritage create a new image base for Ustka in the project. Design proposals are also aimed at changes in local industry and the implementation of new technologies, which opens up avenues for the development of the employment sector, and thus growth and economic stability for residents throughout the year, in contrast to the current summer holiday prosperity.

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