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Peace Pavilion in Senegal. Award-winning project by Polish students

29 of September '20

Architecture students Aleksandra Kubiak of Warsaw University of Technology and Marta Mojsik of Krakow University of Technology designed the Peace Pavilion in Sedihou, Senegal. The work received an honorable mention in the international Kaira Looro Peace Pavilion competition .

The competition task was to design a pavilion in Senegal commemorating the victims of African wars. The building should promote universal peace, inspire contemplation, reflection and prayer for those who unjustly lost their lives. The architecture of the pavilion was to create a multifunctional space with room for exhibitions, historical education and contemplation. The building was to be open to the public, made with respect for all cultures, genders and religions.

Przekrój pawilonu

The structure of the pavilion consists of wooden beams and columns

© Aleksandra Kubiak, Marta Mojsik

honorable mention for polish students

Aleksandra Kubiak and Marta Mojsik designed the Sedhiou Peace Pavilion as a link between local and international communities. Their goal was to commemorate events, promote peace and give the region its own identity. The pavilion is filled with light and water, creating an atmosphere that facilitates focus and reflection. The design uses local and natural materials. The building's layout overlaps the roadway adjacent to the lot, creating a continuity with the nearby market. Due to its location near the Casamanca River, the foundation is made of concrete, allowing for a stronger bond to the ground. The structure consists of wooden beams and columns. The exterior walls on the west side are made of rammed earth. On the east side of the pavilion, transparent bamboo partitions are used to open up views of the nearby river and rice fields. The roof of the pavilion, covered with trapezoidal metal sheets, is raised above the walls to provide adequate light and ventilation.

Część edukacyjna Przestrzeń wystawiennicza

Educational space with skylight and exhibition space

© Aleksandra Kubiak, Marta Mojsik

The four spaces of the Peace Pavilion

The pavilion consists of four parts - educational, exhibition, administrative and contemplative. These spaces differ in shape and function. The educational space, as the authors call it - spreading awareness, contains exhibits that recreate and teach history. Its focal point is a well, highlighted by a skylight placed in the ceiling. The space is divided by transparent bamboo partitions that create a subtle connection with the surroundings. The room can be used for meetings and seminars.

Rzut pawilonu

The pavilion consists of four spaces

© Aleksandra Kubiak, Marta Mojsik

The exhibition area is designed to display and store permanent or temporary works of art, with the most important texts presented on a podium. The room is surrounded by rammed earth walls with small windows to light the space. The administrative section includes staff quarters, storage and a reception area. Reinforced earth walls provide privacy, and doorways decorated with fabrics made by members of the local community give the interior a local feel.

contemplative space with bamboo construction

© Aleksandra Kubiak, Marta Mojsik

The contemplationarea is dedicated to prayer and reflection on those who lost their lives, and its bamboo structure directs the gaze towards the sky. The authors filled the space with water, on which they placed a platform that creates a barrier to the outside world. The platform is a reference to Devil's Island in the middle of the Casamanca River, which was once a place of spiritual isolation.

See also the design of the African Crisis Management Center, which won first place in the next Kaira Looro competition.

compiled by Dobrawa Bies

illustrations courtesy of Aleksandra Kubiak and Marta Mojsik

The vote has already been cast