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The exhibition "Cross section of cinema!" - online meetings

13 of April '20

Many of the events planned for the past weeks have been canceled or, if possible, moved to the virtual world. The same happened with the planned exhibition dedicated to the architecture of Warsaw's cinemas, "Przekrój kino!".

Fortunately, the organizers of the event have prepared an online program. Already on Tuesday, April 14, at 6:00 pm, there will be a lecture by Jerzy S. Majewski, varsavianist and art historian, author of the book "The History of Warsaw's Cinemas. "The History of Warsaw's Cinemas." The series of meetings accompanying the exhibition will also include film tours of the exhibition and discussions with cinema experts.

The opening virtual meeting of the series, titled. "Warsaw cinemas before 1939" will be held on Facebook. You are welcome!

More information can be found here.


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