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How will the market square in Ruda Slaska change? Silesian identity and more greenery

21 of May '24
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  1. The market square in Ruda Śląska is undergoing a metamorphosis to become greener and more functional, responding to local needs.
  2. The phenomenon of concreting, or excessive concreting of space, is a problem of many Polish squares, including the market in Ruda Śląska.
  3. Consultations with residents showed the need for more greenery and the introduction of elements referring to Silesian identity.
  4. Project team: Aleksandra Piszczek, Katarzyna Żelazny, Agnieszka Hyrnik, Lilianna Nowak, Anna Demel, Dorota Lutogniewska, Karol Pieter, Tomasz Matloch, Piotr Seydak, Ireneusz Wolnik
  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the A&B portal

They want to introduce new features, remove excess paved surface, provide some shade while referring to local contexts. Another square in Poland is to undergo a metamorphosis towards being greener and more functional. This time, Ruda Śląska wants to change its face.

the short life of polish squares

Although the problem of concourse and the discourse related to it is still alive, changes on the subject of planning public spaces have been visible for years - usually in spaces that are quite young.

The market square in Ruda Śląskie, like many other developments in Poland, underwent a comprehensive reconstruction in 2009-2010. After only a dozen years, it already requires addressing the topic of comprehensive metamorphosis. The space of the square over time began to lose its functions, and increasing problems with water retention, heat islands required changes.

jednym z elementów nowego placu ma być wprowadzenie nowych funkcji w pawilonach

One of the elements of the new square is to introduce new functions in the pavilions

© Courtesy of the project authors

We talk about it with Karol Pieter (Hemleccy), who is responsible for the project to rebuild the market square in Ruda Śląska.

Wiktor Bochenek: In the process of designing the new market space, residents participated. How were the consultations conducted and what was the most frequently mentioned element?

Karol Pieter: The consultations were conducted after the presentation of the first concept for the reconstruction of the market by Professor Michal Stangel, Michal Adamczyk and Joanna Serwotka. They were held in a dual form - you could submit your comments via a special form or at the City Hall during the official presentation of the project.

Of course, the most frequently mentioned element was the problem of the lack of greenery and the concreting of the square, as well as the resulting excessive temperature of the square's slab. In addition, there were suggestions for the introduction of service pavilions to enliven the square or elements in Silesian referring to our Silesian identity. We have taken all the residents' expectations into account in the concept we created and the subsequent stages of the project.

jednym z elementów nowego rynku będzie plac wodny

One of the elements of the new market will be a water square

© Courtesy of the project authors

Wiktor: In the project you point to references to the city's history - how were they marked in the new market space?

Karol: We wanted to refer to the historical view axes, Niedurny Street - church, fountain - City Hall) through the layout of greenery and the shape of the unsealed fields. In addition, we designed elements of small architecture showing the history of the city, and figures associated with Ruda Śląska and the individual towns and villages that formed it.

zieleń ma stanowić większą ilość powierzchni rynku

The greenery is to make up most of the market area

© Courtesy of the authors of the projects

Wiktor: The new layout has been divided into several functional zones - how do they run and how do they differ from the previous layout?

Karol: According to the guidelines of the City Council, the space in the market was divided into several zones: an event zone, a recreation zone with unsealed greenery, and services located in the southern part of the market. In the current layout, the division does not occur, as practically the entire market is covered with a uniform paved surface without specifying individual parts.

do tej pory problemem był brak funkcji, który ma być rozwiązany przez wprowadzenie pawilonów

Until now, the problem has been the lack of functions, which is to be solved by introducing pavilions

© Courtesy of the project authors

Wiktor: To what extent will the market space be deconstructed?

Karol: In the eastern and central parts of the market, greenery will make up most of the area. In addition, walkways with permeable paving have been designed. The shape and layout of the individual fields allow retention of most of the rainwater. Solutions such as a water square or retention basin will also enable better management of it.

mała architektura ma odwoływać do kontekstu lokalnego

The small architecture is intended to refer to the local context

© Courtesy of project authors

Wiktor: An important element of the new market is to be greenery - how has it been organized and what are its characteristics?

Karol: It is safe to say that it is even the main element of it. We designed the most greenery in the recreation zone. Our greenery architect proposed various species of grasses, shrubs and trees composed in a visually attractive way, and in harmony with the natural functioning of nature. In addition, all plants will be safe for people of all ages, especially children.

On the sides, we proposed rows of trees to emphasize the scenic axis and, above all, to allow shade for a large part of the square and lower the temperature. On the side of the food pavilions, densely planted trees will allow protection from the sun - there will be no need for unattractive umbrellas.

rynek rzeszedł kompleksową przebudowę w latach 2009-2010 — już po kilkunastu latach wymaga podjęcia tematu kompleksowej metamorfozy

The square underwent a comprehensive reconstruction in 2009-2010 - it already requires a comprehensive metamorphosis after a dozen years.

© Courtesy of the project authors

Wiktor: What was the most difficult part of this project?

Karol: I think the most difficult part was combining the historical value of the site with the expectations of the residents and with the contemporary needs of the user of this space. The historical context is very complicated - a neo-Romanesque church, Art Nouveau townhouses, a modernist office building or a socmodernist apartment block create a mixture of different architectural values. We wanted with the composition of greenery and the shape and layout of the pavilions to inscribe ourselves in the existing space, and its identity, redefining the functionality of the place.

jeden z projektowanych pawilonów

one of the designed pavilions

© Courtesy of the authors of the projects

Wiktor: What gave you the most satisfaction?

Karol: Definitely the effect of our project! Shaping the concept was a long process. We used mock-ups, models, sketches. After many weeks spent on ideas about the form and functionality of the square, we finally got a satisfactory result and were able to move on to the next stages of the project. The finale was visualizations, where we can see how the square in Ruda Śląska will change. We keep our fingers crossed for the realization - when in the revitalized market we will be able to immerse ourselves in greenery, admiring the effect of changes, our satisfaction will be one hundred percent.

Wiktor: Thank you for the interview!

jak zmieni się rynek w Rudzie Śląskiej?

How will the market square in Ruda Slaska change?

© Courtesy of the authors of the projects

Wiktor Bochenek

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