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WXCA studio has won the competition for Saxon Palace!

12 of October '23

On October 12 this year, the results of the architectural and urban planning competition for the development of an architectural concept with land development for an investment concerning the reconstruction of the Saxon Palace, Brühl Palace and townhouses on Królewska Street in Warsaw were officially announced at the SARP Exhibition Pavilion at 2 Foksal Street, Warsaw. First Prize and an invitation to negotiate on a sole-source basis was awarded to the WXCA studio!

The event opened with a speech by Polish President Andrzej Duda, who introduced the history of the Saxon Palace. Minister of Culture and National Heritage Piotr Glinski spoke next, emphasizing the importance of restoring the western frontage of Pilsudski Square and the Saxon Palace in its historic appearance. He also spoke about restoring history and creating a cultural and educational center.

Rebuilding these edifices is restoring past symbols and creating a future and space for future generations and for all of us, Minister Piotr Glinski concluded.

As the organizer, Saski Palace, emphasized in the competition regulations, "this competition aims to restore the entire western frontage of Pilsudski Square, together with Saxon Palace and Brühl Palace, and is the greatest architectural and urban planning challenge of recent decades. This project is an important step in the process of commemorating the history of the Polish State and its Capital."

Five projects out of the 11 submitted in the first stage of the competition went through to the second stage of the competition. They were evaluated by the Competition Jury consisting of arch. Marek Dunikowski — (Chairman of the Competition Jury, SARP Krakow Branch), Dr. Jaroslaw Sellin, Wojciech Kolarski, arch. Piotr Walkowiak, Prof. Błażej Ostoja Lniski, arch. Marlena Happach, Weronika Piwarska, Jan Edmund Kowalski, Robert Bernisz, arch . Mateusz Świętorzecki (Referee, SARP Warsaw Branch), arch. Jacek Lenart (SARP Szczecin Branch), arch. Zbigniew Maćków (SARP Branch of Wrocław).

The function of secretary of the competition was performed by Marek Szeniawski, the function of assistant was performed by Rafał Mroczkowski.

WXCA with First Prize

The verdict was announced by architect Marek Dunikowski together with secretary landscape architect Marek Szeniawski. The chairman added that there were three dissenting votes (Maćków, Lenart and Dunikowski) and not to take this as a blow to the 1st Prize, but to consider whether we definitely need to rebuild the Palace in this form. At this point the TV broadcast on TVP info was broken.

Błażej Ciarkowski and Paweł Mrozek wrote about the reconstruction of the SaxonPalace on A&B.

First Prize and an invitation to negotiate on a sole-source basis went to the WXCA studio from Warsaw!

Second Prize went to the team: FS&P ARCUS & K. Ingarden, J. Ewy Architects & Asman Pieniężny Architects.

Third Prize went to the team: LAN & P2PA.

Two equal honorable mentions were also awarded to the studios: Piotr Plaskowicki Architekt and AMC — Andrzej M. Choldzynski.

We will publish the justification of the jury, the competition boards and the names of all authors after receiving the materials from the organizers.

The competition for the architectural concept of the Saxon Palace, the Brühl Palace and the townhouses on Królewska Street in Warsaw was announced in March this year. Completion of the edifices and townhouses is planned for 2030.

Dobrawa Bies

The vote has already been cast