ISOVER flat roof

04 of December '19

ISOVER Flat Roof

A solution used under direct roofing with roofing felt, PVC and EPDM membranes. The two-layer system allows the elimination of linear thermal bridges at panel joints.

Downloadable files include flat roof solutions on trapezoidal sheet structure and reinforced concrete slab with ISOVER mineral wool thermal insulation in three sets:

  • Silver Roof - Dachoterm G39 (λ=0.039 W/mK) as the top layer of the system and Dachoterm SL37 (λ=0.037 W/mK) as the bottom layer of the system
  • Gold Roof - Roof Board (λ=0.033 W/mK) as the upper layer of the system and Dachoterm SL37 (λ=0.037 W/mK) as the lower layer of the system,
  • Platinum Roof - Taurus (λ=0.038 W/mK) as the upper layer of the system and Tup (λ=0.038 W/mK) as the lower layer of the system.

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