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Wednesday Wielkopolska in a new light - CLUE CITY System

31 of July '20

CLUE CITY system in Sroda Wielkopolska - local investment, world standards

At the end of June, Środa Wielkopolska lit up with a new, better quality light. Thanks to an investment by the authorities of this municipality, a CLUE CITY system consisting of more than 170 modern TIARA LED road lights and a high-tech management system integrated with them has been implemented. As a result, light is delivered in optimal amounts, only when it is needed.

The beneficiaries of this investment are both the municipal authorities and the residents themselves. The former, thanks to the very high energy efficiency of the installed road lamps, additionally supported by a wireless control system, save on electricity consumption and maintenance costs. Residents gain light that provides better visibility and promotes safety for users of roads and adjacent sidewalks. They are also assured that the response time of maintenance services is reduced to a minimum, as they are informed in real time by the intelligent system of the need for any intervention.

In June, new, energy-efficient led lights replaced less efficient sodium lights on seven city arterials. Plans call for further upgrades on more streets - important in terms of traffic volume. The intuitive and easy-to-use interface already in place is, of course, designed for future expansion.


CLUE CITY system lamps

© Lena Lighting

The CLUE CITY system was supplied by local manufacturer Lena Lighting S.A. through Luxmat Sp. z o.o. This is not the first investment in Sroda Wielkopolska implemented by this company, whose lighting solutions go to customers from 70 countries around the world. Previous realizations have proven that cooperation between the municipality and the manufacturer, whose headquarters is located on its territory, brings great benefits to all parties.

What is it and what possibilities does the CLUE CITY System offer?

CLUE CITY is a technologically advanced system that remotely manages and controls road luminaires, thereby optimizing energy use and monitoring the status of each lighting fixture.

It is intuitive, reliable, wireless and secure. It provides accurate real-time control of street lighting infrastructure. The cloud-based interface is accessible to the administrator at all times and from any internet-connected device.

CLUE CITY makes it possible to

  • switching street lighting on and off
  • dimming and scheduling of individual street fixtures
  • unlimited creation of groups of luminaires
  • geolocation and visualization of street lighting fixtures on a map
  • accurate measurement of energy consumption and its immediate recording and archiving
  • monitoring of light source and driver operation
  • monitoring of the remaining life of the LED light source and informing about the planned service, which shortens the response time and reduces maintenance costs.
  • alarm and event reporting - recording alarm data from a single luminaire and displaying them on a map
  • administration of multiple users, their roles and the entire installation

The CLUE CITY system enriched with additional applications provides even more possibilities. If the city decides to expand, the system will be able to take advantage of such Smart City functions as, for example, measuring traffic volume or air quality.

For more information, visit the company's Lena Lighting S.A. page on the A&B portal.

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