Aleksandra Kmieć

Aleksandra Kmieć, a graduate of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Faculty of Construction and Architecture of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. She is currently an assistant architect at IDS Architekci studio in Szczecin.

The master's thesis entitled PROJECTOR - INSTITUTE OF FILM ART IN SZCZECIN, defended in 2019, was nominated to represent the faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the WBiA - ZUT in Szczecin in the competition for the annual SARP Zbyszek Zawistowski Award. Zbyszek Zawistowski - DIPLOM OF THE YEAR 2020, the annual Polish-German BDA-SARP 2020 award, and was awarded the Prof. Leszek Teodozy Dąbrowski prize of the Szczecin branch of SARP for the best 2020 diploma made at the Faculty of Architecture at ZUT in Szczecin.

Architektura & Biznes – articles