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Kinga Garus
Art in my life has always been there. From a young age, I thought about wanting it to be my job. In elementary and middle school, art classes made me really love painting and drawing. The art club at the Ognisko Pracy Pozaszkolnej in Wadowice, and mainly the classes taught by Mr. Jerzy Kozak, made me feel that what I was doing made sense and gave me great joy. The motivation, but also the advice and, above all, the joy of painting that Mr. Kozak showed made me love doing it.... And I felt good at it. This stage in my life was very important for me. I was then able to look at art through how it feels. Without the constraints of some kind of corrections and learned proportions or rules.
The Jozef Kluza High School of Fine Arts in Krakow gave me the opportunity to broaden art with its histories, with sculpture or just design. Then I realized that this is what I want to do in life. Interior architecture design is the work I want to do in the future. Colors, textures, light, shadow are very important concepts for me in this field. The relationship between them. By modifying them, interior design can give me a new experience each time, but it can also be a completely new adventure, and a lesson from which I will learn new insights. I am anxious for more experiences.
Looking at the skills I have already acquired, I know that interior design is divided into many fields. The university allows me to further my education in furniture design, functional space or sculpture and painting. It allows me to have exposure to elements of art that I won't have to deal with in a normal job.
Working at Prodesigne as an interior designer, I had the opportunity to learn about many beautiful products from different brands. I saw that design in college is different from that in real life. For eight months I worked on a Geberit project, made detailed drawings and had the opportunity to create a "Borderland Settlement." These projects were a collision with reality. Real real materials, budget and design problems. All this showed me that I have a long way to go to become a real interior designer. My design quest is still ongoing. I learn something new every day. I pay much more attention to the space, nature and light that surrounds me. This is a huge motivation for me, but also an inspiration for what I create. I like minimalist spaces with perfectly designed function. Interiors full of color and patterns. Vintage atmosphere and the stories of things associated with them. I like when I look at a space and can see geometric abstraction in it. The depth in the space draws me in as much as the most beautiful painting I look at. The mystery of the artwork and the lack of concrete explanation give me the opportunity to search for answers. Every year I begin to understand more and more that interior architecture is really everything around us. It's how we live, it's how we dress. It expresses us. My goal is to create interiors that fit the person. Each of us is different and has different needs. She wants to make interiors beautiful, but also functional and unique.
When creating interiors, I am very inspired by painting, sculpture, I am glad that they are present further in my education. Fashion has always been important in my life. Now it is a great inspiration for me when creating interiors. I see a combination of these two fields in contemporary trends. Each semester of study is a new experience, new skills and new design problems.
Therefore. plans to develop further, and my next goal is to complete my master's degree in Interior Design in the beautiful city that is Cracow.... And stay there longer.