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To the library not only for a book, but also for silence

13 of February '23

American writer Alvin Toffler once said, "the library is a hospital for the mind." Every day, we are subjected to numerous tests of endurance in a overstimulated world. The last two years of the pandemic meant that while we felt isolated from a lot of stimuli, our bodies also became accustomed to the silence we had at home. Returning to noisy offices, schools or other public places proved very difficult. We have come to appreciate the importance of silence and stillness, so we are constantly looking for ways and places where we can quiet ourselves, calm the rush of thoughts and stop for a while. Such a quiet retreat is increasingly being found in modernized city libraries.

Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zygmunta Jana Rumla na warszawskiej Pradze-Południe

Zygmunt Jan Rumel Public Library in Warsaw's Praga-Południe district

© Ecophone

We've grown unaccustomed to noise

The global lockdown gave us the opportunity to see what a different life looks like. Or, more precisely, life in silence, instead of the constant hustle and bustle. Because of this, our expectations of the standards in which we function have also changed. We now want to enjoy more life balance, while taking more care of our mental health than ever before. According to a recent study by Poly, it turns out that one of the main problems of returning to office work is precisely the noise that is harmful to health. Other studies, meanwhile, point to its negative impact on the performance of elementary school students, as well as the longer recovery time of medical facility patients.

All-pervading noise affects every aspect of our lives, making us feel even more debilitated. After all, we have known not since yesterday that it contributes significantly to fatigue and irritability. This time, however, we perceive it more intensely, as we have weaned our brains from such harmful factors," says Monika Bukowska, Ecophon marketing specialist.

Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zygmunta Jana Rumla na warszawskiej Pradze-Południe

Zygmunt Jan Rumel Public Library in Warsaw's Praga-Południe district

© Ecophone

Library a new asylum of silence

If our places of work or study are not adequately soundproofed, we look for spaces where we can let our senses rest. Hence, somewhat forgotten by modern technology...public libraries have begun to enjoy renewed popularity.

In fact, we have observed that people are more willing to come to libraries than in recent years," says Sonia Wąsowska, an employee of the Zygmunt Jan Rumel Public Library located in Warsaw's Praga-Południe district. - We have observed a return even of those who have not been to the library since childhood. We can see that people are finding their peace here, so we have focused on the maximum comfort of silence. Today the library has acquired a new role - in addition to the educational one. It is now a form of asylum from the noisy world, where it is difficult to focus your thoughts and listen to your needs. Here, too, time does not pass so quickly, for it is a place where you can simply stop for a longer moment," he adds.

The Prague library is located in the modern Terminal Kultury Goclaw, which is itself a reverberant building. The library's decor is in a modern and user-friendly style. There is a pleasant atmosphere, and the interior itself is spacious and bright.

Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zygmunta Jana Rumla na warszawskiej Pradze-Południe

Zygmunt Jan Rumel Public Library in Warsaw's Praga-South district.

© Ecophone

In addition, many events, concerts or cabarets are held at the Goclaw Culture Terminal, hence we sought the need for adequate acoustics in the library. And we succeeded, as acoustic systems have been installed on our ceilings, which we decided to purchase from Ecophon," stresses Sonia Wąsowska. - They provide comfort not only for regular and new library users, but also for us, the staff, she adds.

Free meeting place

Today, moreover, libraries are extremely important in terms of social function. They are no longer just places to read and find books or information. They are community centers and meeting points. And, importantly for many people in precarious situations, they are places of integration that do not require spending money.

Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zygmunta Jana Rumla na warszawskiej Pradze-Południe

Zygmunt Jan Rumel Public Library in Warsaw's Praga-South district

© Ecophone

Although people are now busier than usual, there is a growing appreciation of the cultural, educational and social values that public spaces provide. The library welcomes everyone without judging who you are or what your property status is, emphasizes library director Ms. Miroslawa Majewska. - People who have not used the library for many years have realized that we are one of those places where they are always welcome. People appreciate this, more and more willing to find their quiet refuge here," she adds.

At the same time, as the director points out, this is a modern library, not like it used to be. Today libraries are synonymous with promoting culture in the broadest sense. Thanks to appropriate acoustics, author meetings, cultural and educational meetings are held here, which, by the way, do not disturb other users in any way, as it is not necessary to use a microphone during them in order to hear the voice well. So even in the apparent noise, you can remain in perfect comfort of silence.

For more information, visit the company's ECOPHON, SAINT-GOBAIN page on the A&B portal.

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