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Trends in the world of lighting, or what 2024 will bring

17 of January '24

Lighting is an integral part of daily life, providing safety and comfort. At the same time, with its intelligent functions and personalization capabilities, light is becoming a creator of mood, well-being and a reflection of the user's individual character. In 2024, design and green transformation will set a new direction for the lighting industry.

Oblique shapes inspired by nature

Nature has taught us that beauty lies in diversity. However, in 2024, streamlined, rounded shapes will lead the way, bringing to mind freedom, delicacy, but also flexibility and adaptability to one's personality and individuality.




The rounded, soft edges of the lamps, will add lightness to the interior. They will also make the light spread evenly in the room, exposing selected design elements. Oblique shapes will introduce into the space both elements of classic and refined shade of modernity, adapting to the chosen design style.

Nature-inspired Sizzano, Coria 2 LED and Solanto lamps with rounded shapes offer extremely wide possibilities for creating lighting and decorative compositions, which will decorate any interior in a sophisticated way.




Colors close to the body

Peach Fuzz, the color of the year 2024 according to Pantone, imposes a pleasant, warm tone on interiors. Arrangements maintained in the shade of ripe peach, bring positive vibrations, so this color will settle in design for good.




Subtle pastel shades will appear not only on the walls and floors, but also in the form of color-subdued accessories and lamps. The presence of lighting, the design of which is based on this soft color scheme, will provide the room with a unique character and make the interior a perfect place for relaxation.

Lena Lighitng Peach Fuzz

Lena Lighitng Peach Fuzz


Lena Lighting products provide a wide range of color personalization possibilities. This makes it possible to create interiors that match one's personality, where lighting plays the role of mood creator and central decoration. The Messaggio collection allows you to choose the color of both the interior and the housing of the lamps - designer Dorota Koziara has proposed her own combinations, among which are models with interiors in peach tones.

Colline x Terrano

Colline x Terrano


Examples of lamps where the user decides on the color scheme are also Sizzano with a variable collar shade and Colline x Terrano, where the color, size and layout of the panel are personalized.

Baris Square

Baris Square


Quiet luxury in a new edition

Luxury that speaks in terms of quality and craftsmanship is another trend that will dominate 2024. Following the principle of less is more, we will enter exclusive minimalism, behind which are durable, fully safe materials and perfect workmanship. Design devoid of excess, overkill and unnecessary embellishments will make the interior gain in exclusivity and unforced beauty.




The rooms designed according to the concept of quiet luxury, are to be harmonious, functional and safe, to make the users' daily life not only more aesthetic, but also easier and healthier. The quiet luxury trend is matched by Lena Lighting products. They are made of the highest quality materials and do not contain harmful substances, and their minimalist design attracts attention.




Smart means more

In a world full of technological revolutions, lighting is gaining a new role. The task of light is no longer just to illuminate a space - today it has a real impact on mood and well-being. That's why designers are turning their attention to the Human Centric Lighting trend, which provides a range of functionalities to support the user's needs and preferences.

Lena Lighting is a manufacturer that offers Clue intelligent light control systems, which allow you to manage the intensity and color of light through an intuitive app. This makes it possible not only to adjust the operation of the lamps to the conditions outside, but also to set phenomenal light compositions and to activate the lamps only when the sensors detect movement in the room.

The idea of smart space also implies striving for a sustainable world by automating the immediate environment and generating electricity savings. The climate challenges we face determine the implementation of increasingly advanced technological solutions that minimize energy consumption. In 2024, this will be one of the most important trends with global reach.

Lena Lighting Clue

Lena Lighting Clue


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