How do we live?


How do we live?

na okładce:

Malgorzata TOMCZAK

How do we live?
architecture and housing policy

How to design residential architecture so that it is accessible, inclusive, fits into the existing urban context, and above all - that it represents high architectural quality? In the existing legal and economic environment, how to achieve an appropriate functional standard, implement energy innovations and reduce the carbon footprint? Finally, how many square meters do we need for happiness?

When we think of housing today, the first associations that come to mind are a speculative real estate bubble, pat-development or doe estates in the suburbs of our cities. Is it possible to counter this? What mechanisms can and should be used by local governments to actively create housing policy and thus keep residents in their cities? And last but not least, how to shape valuable residential architecture? We address these questions in this May issue of A&B.

We invite you to read and discuss these issues!


Table of contents


Retrospectives of modernity [18].

#New trends in architecture - Romuald Loegler, Jakub Glaz

The power of tranquility [20]

Pritzker Prize 2023 for Sir David Chipperfield
Bartosz HADUCH, Michal HADUCH

Kindness, not punishment [26].

A conversation with Zvi Hecker
interviewed: Marcin SZCZODRY

From a distance, the view is beautiful [30]

Architecture Now: New York, New Publics exhibition at MoMA in New York and a conversation with Evangelos Kotsioris, assistant curator of the Department of Architecture and Design at MoMA

The riverside tercet - the former Bermuda triangle: Bydgoszcz, Grudziądz, Toruń [36].

From the series MULTI-CITIES

City by projects [48]

A network model of the contemporary "game of the city"

They will never meet [54]

A landscape architect's column

Attractive and inspiring [56]

The WA branch of the Silesian University of Technology in Katowice is now open!
elaborated by: Dobrawa BIES

Centering dominant - the design of a multifunctional urban complex in Warsaw [58].

"Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE" competition
Michal RUMAN

Design of a stimulation and relaxation complex in a model space inspired by the elements [54].

Competition "Best Diploma Interior Design"

newsboard [60-71]

books, exhibitions, competitions, patronages, memories, news

Perching system [60].

Interview with Marta Żakowska, author of the book "Autoholism. How to put down a car in a Polish city"
interviewed by Ania DIDUCH

  • Nagroda Pritzkera 2023 dla sir Davida Chipperfielda
  • Rozmowa ze Zvim Heckerem
  • Wystawa „Architecture Now: New York, New Publics” w MoMA w Nowym Jorku
  • WIELOMIASTA. Tercet nadrzeczny – dawny trójkąt bermudzki: Bydgoszcz, Grudziądz, Toruń

e-publication supplement

Super Unit 2.0. Super Unit building modernization project [e02].

"Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE" competition.

Residential house with social functions in Warsaw's Praga district [e06].

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE"

Consent to change - reconstruction of three squares in the center of Warsaw at Zgoda and Sienkiewicza streets [e10].

Competition "Best Diploma of Interior Design"

Design of an apartment for a family with two children - a modern loft in a 19th century flax spinning mill [e14].

Competition "Best Diploma of Interior Design"

  • Superjednostka 2.0. Projekt modernizacji budynku Superjednostki – Filip GAWIN
  • Dom mieszkalny z funkcjami społecznymi na warszawskiej Pradze - Zuzanna ROGOWSKA
  • Zgoda na zmianę – przebudowa trzech placów w centrum Warszawy przy ulicach Zgoda i Sienkiewicza - Marta DROZD
  • Projekt mieszkania dla rodziny z dwójką dzieci – nowoczesny loft w dziewiętnastowiecznej przędzalni lnu [e14] - Julia RAWERSKA

theme of the issue

moodboard [78].

#how do we live?
#architecture and housing policy

Housing question. A discussion of the role of the public investor [126].


Inclusively [132].

With Zuzanna Mielczarek
interviewed by Katarzyna MIKULSKA

The future begins in different places [138].

With Joanna Erbel
interviewed by Ania DIDUCH

A warm quilt is not enough [144].

With Paulina Duch-Zebrowska
is interviewed by Jakub GŁAZ

How many meters do we need for happiness? [150]

proj.: HAG Human Architecture Group

Does being eco pay off for developers? [158]

With Paweł Wołejsza
interviewed by Marta KULAWIK

Ghosts of the city [168]


What matters? [170]

Jakub GŁAZ

  • jak mieszkamy? architektura i polityka mieszkaniowa
  • Pytanie o mieszkanie. Dyskusja o roli inwestora publicznego
  • Z Zuzanną Mielczarek rozmawia Katarzyna MIKULSKA
  • Przyszłość zaczyna się w różnych miejscach
  • Z Pauliną Duch-Å»ebrowską rozmawia Jakub GŁAZ
  • Ile metrów kwadratowych potrzebujemy do szczęścia?
  • Czy bycie eko opłaca się deweloperom?
  • Felieton: Jakub SZCZĘSNY - Duchy miasta
  • Felieton: Jakub GŁAZ - Co się liczy?

Issue preview


Stone takes the stage - natural stone fair, September 24-27, Verona, Italy