Single-family houses


Single-family houses

na okładce:

Malgorzata TOMCZAK

Single-family houses

Let me start with a fundamental question that has often resounded lately: does it still make sense to deal with the architecture of single-family homes in the face of the ongoing discussion about urban sprawl, the costs of suburbanization - after all, single-family homes are not being built in urban centers - rapid climate change, and poor urban planning? Are the costs we all incur in dreaming and often realizing those dreams of our own home with a garden, synonymous with security and tranquility, too high in the context of the challenges we face? The answers to these questions are not obvious.

We observe how strongly all discourses are changing, including those related to architecture. We like the ideas of reuse, densification of city centers, sustainable design. And that's a very good thing, because we can find answers to our questions about the future. But is the question of whether we should design and implement single-family homes well posed? Certainly not.

Priorities have changed during these investments, we are considering what technologies we use and their carbon footprint, and whether we are interfering too much with nature by building a house under the forest and bringing infrastructure to it. However, we will not collectively and in solidarity give up the dream of our own home, nor will we close 100 percent of cities to cars - these kinds of extremes are not needed. What is needed is to design our tomorrow in such a way that, with the knowledge and awareness of the risks and the change in design paradigms - something we constantly write about and discuss in the pages of A&B - we create spaces in which we can and want to live without fear.


Table of contents


A guide to the world in the age of climate change [18].

18th Venice Architecture Biennale

Future Perfect [26]

17th edition of Łódź Design Festival 18-28.05.2023

Warsaw 3R [32]

Exhibition "Zgruzowstanie Warszawy 1945-1949".

Designing Peace [38]

"Designing Peace" exhibition at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum

Lille - the great French surprise [44].

From the series of Multitowns

Low-carbon housing development for farm worker families [56]

"Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE" competition

Interior design of SCLAY ceramics studio [58].

Competition "Best Diploma Interior Design"
Cecilia MOSAK

newsboard [60-71]

books, exhibitions, competitions, patronages, memories, news

A new look at Loos and Corbu [60]

Beatriz Colomina "Private and Public. Modern architecture as a mass medium"

A sensitive theorist [62]

Catherine Ingraham "Architecture's Theory"

  • 18. Biennale Architektury w Wenecji
  • 17. edycja Łódź Design Festival 18–28.05.2023
  • Wystawa „Zgruzowstanie Warszawy 1945–1949”
  • Wystawa „Designing Peace” w Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
  • Mateusz Zmyślony - z cyklu WIELOMIASTA: Lille
  • Recenzje książek Beatriz Colomina i Catherine Ingraham

e-publication supplement

The Road. Museum project on the site of the German Nazi extermination and labor camp in Treblinka [e02].

"Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE" competition

The role of green areas in the city. Environmental education center as a direction to restore the former glory in the Silesian Park [e06].

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE"

Artistic apartment for short-term rental [e10].

Competition "Best Diploma Interior Design"

Postpandemic coworking space. Design of a public interior for remote work at Brama Portowa 1 in Szczecin [e14].

"Best Interior Diploma" competition.

  • Droga. Projekt muzeum na terenie niemieckiego nazistowskiego obozu zagłady i obozu pracy w Treblince – Jakub DUNAL
  • Rola terenów zielonych w mieście. Ośrodek edukacji ekologicznej jako kierunek do przywracania dawnej świetności w Parku Åšląskim - Nina KEMPA
  • Artystyczny apartament na wynajem krótkotrwały - Magdalena TOMASZEWSKA
  • Postpandemiczna przestrzeń coworkingowa. Projekt wnętrza użyteczności publicznej do pracy zdalnej przy Bramie Portowej 1 w Szczecinie - Wiktoria URBAŃSKA

theme of the issue

moodboard [78]

#single-family homes

How to build? [128]

Katarzyna MIKULSKA

Homes from the factory. Is modular construction the future of architecture? [140]

With Jacek Grzybowski (Unihouse) and Piotr Kensk and Andrzej Kukułka (Qmodular)
is interviewed by Błażej CIARKOWSKI

The logic of public and private profits [146].

With Janusz Sepiol
interviewed by Ania DIDUCH

Urban chaos as a spatial problem [150].

With Łukasz Drozda, Piotr Mazik and Marek Kaszyński
interviewed by Marta KULAWIK

The meteorite has landed! [162]


Self-government and self-aggrandizement [164]

Jakub GŁAZ

  • #domy jednorodzinne
  • Jak budować? Katarzyna MIKULSKA
  • Domy z fabryki. Czy budownictwo modułowe jest przyszłością architektury?
  • Logika zysków publicznych i prywatnych
  • Chaos urbanistyczny jako problem przestrzenny
  • Felieton: Jakub SZCZĘSNY - Meteoryt wylądował!
  • Felieton: Jakub GŁAZ - Samorząd i samogwałt

Preview of the issue


Stone takes the stage - natural stone fair, September 24-27, Verona, Italy